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How To Boost Your Immune System During A Pandemic | Down River Life


You’ve probably heard the phrase “wash your hands” a thousand times since the outbreak of the coronavirus. “Don’t touch your face.” “Keep home if you can.” These precautions are great ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but the food we put in our bodies makes us sick. Can you prevent it from happening?

No studies have found that certain foods or supplements reduce the risk of coronavirus infection, but some can be eaten or ingested to keep the immune system strong.

Dr. Howard Wright, who runs the Dearborn Family Clinic, his own clinic, says there are nine things people can do to maintain a healthy body during a pandemic.

  1. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

  2. Get daily doses of vitamins. “Vitamin D is essential for having a strong immune system,” Wright said. “In the protocol, many patients in the hospital get high doses of vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A, and zinc if they have COVID-19. They are really important.” One way to get a daily intake is vitamin tablets, but you can also eat foods rich in these nutrients, such as salmon for vitamin D, kale for vitamin C, sweet potato for vitamin A, and beef for zinc. I can do it.

  1. Garlic: The ingredient contains a compound called allicin that can fight off infections, says the website’s health line. Garlic also helps lower blood pressure and slows arteriosclerosis, according to the National Center for Complementary Integration.

  2. Citrus: According to the Health Line, fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are good ways to increase your intake of vitamin C because they can increase white blood cell production.

  3. Broccoli: Vegetables contain vitamins A, C, E and fiber. According to Healthline, the best way to eat broccoli is to eat it raw or, if possible, not cook it.

  4. Ginger: Spice is an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce nausea and sore throat when ill.

  5. Spinach: Vegetables are rich in vitamin C, rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, which increases your chances of fighting infections. As with broccoli, it’s best to cook a little spinach.

  6. Yogurt: Healthy snacks are an excellent source of vitamin D. However, there are several types of yogurt, so be sure to look for nutrient-packed ones like Greek yogurt. According to Healthline, plain yogurt is superior to sugar supplements because it is high in sugar. Those looking for a sweet taste can add their own fruit to the yogurt.

  7. Sauerkraut: Surprisingly, seasonings have many health benefits, including improved immune system. Fermented cabbage contains probiotics that can fight off bad bacteria and toxins.

Wright said he has treated about 45 patients with COVID-19 so far and all recovered.

“I attribute it to patients who are working on early diagnosis, early treatment, and in fact their nutrition,” he said. “We use nutrition, medications, whatever we can do to combat this horrifying illness, called the underlying integrated approach.”

In addition to fruits, vegetables and spices, vitamins and natural supplements are also ways to strengthen the immune system. Cathy Keoshian, supplement manager at the Better Health store, recommends 5 items for a healthier body.

  1. Vitamin C: Like Dr. Wright, Keoashian said that vitamin C boosts the immune system and should be taken between 1,000-2,000 mg daily. “Research shows that it will help reduce and shorten the duration of respiratory infections,” she said. “It’s also a good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.”

  2. Zinc: “You need to take it daily to improve your immunity and improve your health,” said Keoshian. “It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is well known as a natural cold remedy. It has antiviral effects because it reduces mucus and bacteria.” The recommended dose of zinc is 50 mg daily, but below 100 mg.

  3. Elderberry syrup: “It has a very strong immune-enhancing effect,” said Keoshian. “It has been shown to reduce the duration of symptoms of colds, flu and sinus infections.”

  4. Oregano Oil: Keoshian calls this oil a “great disinfectant” because it helps fight infections. “Because it’s antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal, it acts like a natural antibiotic,” she said. “Used to treat respiratory symptoms, colds, bronchitis, sinus infections, allergies and parasites.”

  5. Wellness Formula-Supplement is from the Source Naturals brand and contains 22 herbs. “It helps prevent colds and flu, as well as allergic symptoms of all infectious diseases such as sinusitis, sore throat, and fever,” says Keoshian. “It boosts energy levels, is rich in antioxidants, contains vitamins A, C, D, the minerals zinc and selenium. It kills all the bacteria you can think of and boosts immunity. I have. ”We recommend 4-6 capsules daily, or 6 capsules every 3 hours if you are sick.

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