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After her son is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, mom shares a warning about extreme thirst, wet diapers


Courtesy Courtney Moore

(New York) — A mother in California shares a warning to other parents after her 16-month-old son’s wet diaper ends up with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, a chronic disease.

Sacramento’s Courtney Moore said he began to notice in early July that his son Maddox woke up in a wet diaper every morning.

She also noticed that the toddler wakes up very thirsty every morning.

“When he woke up, he was so thirsty that he reached for my water bottle and grabbed it,” Moore told ABC News. Good morning, America.. “I knew it wasn’t normal.”

According to the center, Moore asked her fellow mothers for ideas on Facebook and searched the Internet herself, but said she didn’t think Maddox’s symptoms were a sign of type 1 diabetes. For disease control and prevention.

“A Google search pops up type 1 diabetes, but I don’t have a family history,” she said. “We had no knowledge of type 1 diabetes, so we were able to justify all the different signs we saw.”

Moore, for example, said she and her husband Jason attributed the thirst for Maddox to the hot summer weather and the slight weight loss he noticed in the fact that he is an active toddler currently walking. It was.

According to Moore, they took him to a doctor for a blood test after noticing that Maddox was increasingly “off.”

An hour later, Moore said he had been repeatedly called to take Maddox to the emergency room because his blood sugar (blood sugar) was close to 700. The normal blood sugar level for Maddox’s age is 100-180.

“They said I needed to take him to the emergency room right away, and my world just stopped,” Moore said. “I can’t imagine waiting anymore.”

According to the CDC, Maddox was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and was immediately treated for diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a potentially life-threatening diabetic complication that occurs when the body does not have enough insulin to use blood sugar as energy.

He stayed at the hospital for two nights and was then sent home. There Moore and her husband are now overseeing Maddox’s insulin injection and blood glucose monitoring regimen.

“He doesn’t understand and is so resilient that he is in a way so fortunate to be as young as he is,” Moore said. “Yes, our lives have been upset, but he is happy and doing really well.”

Moore uses Facebook to share what happened to Maddox, hoping to warn other parents not to ignore symptoms that their child may be experiencing, such as thirst. I used it.

“We share this because the warm weather allowed us to cancel and being an active toddler could literally kill our son.” She wrote. “Pay attention to the morals of the story, parents, your child and trust your gut. I was very lucky.”

Moore said, explaining why she talked about her family experience GMA, “My point is not to scare people, just [remind them] Be very careful and keep track of them. “

What parents need to know

Moore’s Facebook post emphasizes that symptoms of type 1 diabetes can be mistaken or overlooked for other conditions, especially in young children.

“It’s really difficult [Maddox’s] The age at which he can’t speak, “Moore said. “I’m afraid of parents who aren’t adding things together and may be doing something harmful to their children.”

Research and advocacy for type 1 diabetes.

Formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes, type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease for which there is currently no cure.

It is usually diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults, but it can occur at any age. According to JDRF, about 1.6 million Americans have type 1 diabetes, including about 200,000 under the age of 20.

According to the CDC, the disease is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction that destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. As a result, people with type 1 diabetes need to remain dependent on insulin delivered via shots or insulin pumps to stay alive.

In addition to taking insulin, people with type 1 diabetes, such as Maddox, need to stab their fingers or wear a continuous blood glucose monitor to measure their blood glucose multiple times a day.

According to the CDC, unlike type 2 diabetes caused by lifestyle factors, there is no known way to prevent type 1 diabetes. A family history of type 1 diabetes or other autoimmune diseases is common.

Common complications of type 1 diabetes include hypoglycemia, or hypoglycemia, and diabetic ketoacidosis. Long-term complications of this disease include increased risk of nerve damage, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

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