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Buzz Off: County crew spread mosquito killer by hand this week

Buzz Off: County crew spread mosquito killer by hand this week


San Diego (CNS) – San Diego County Vector Control crew will regularly spray mosquito-fighting pesticides in dozens of local waterways this week, but commonly used helicopters will be used for unscheduled maintenance. It’s down, so do it manually, not from the air. It was announced on Monday.

Since the early 2000s, the county has used helicopters to drop batches of solid granular larvicide into nearly 50 rivers, streams, ponds, and other waterways during the summer. This program reduces the number of mosquitoes and protects people from mosquito-borne diseases such as the West Nile virus.

This week they do the same, but there are no helicopters.

Residents of the target area are wearing vector-controlled uniforms that clearly identify the county crew to spray the pesticide by hand, or applicators such as backpack leaf blowers and some vehicles. You may see pesticides dispersed using equipment such as applicators. Some waterways are accessed by the boat crew. Larvicides do not hurt humans, pets, or other animals, but they are deadly to mosquito larvae and prevent them from growing into stinging adult mosquitoes.

Applications are usually made by helicopter for two days, about once a month from April to September or October. Since the crew will work from the ground, this month’s application is expected to take about 6 days from Monday.

In recent years, the effects of West Nile virus have been mild in San Diego County, with one positive in 2020 and three positive in 2019, all infected outside the county with no deaths. Until 2021, there was no local detection of the virus by regular surveillance activities.

However, West Nile virus is still a potentially dangerous disease. In 2016, 22 counties were positive and two died. Last year, 258 people were positive and 11 died across California.

West Nile virus is primarily a bird disease, but mosquitoes that eat infected birds first and then humans and animals can infect some animals, such as humans and horses.

Mosquito protection has become more popular in recent years due to the emergence of many types of Aedes aegypti that can transmit diseases not found here, such as Zika, dengue and chikungunya. I need a lot of help. Native Culex pipiens, which can carry the West Nile virus, breed in larger bodies of water reached by drops of county larvae, while invasive Aedes aegypti live around people’s homes and gardens. I like to breed.

Residents of San Diego County may be more susceptible to mosquito bites around their homes as many spend more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic. County officials are asking residents to throw away or remember to throw away or remove water-fillable items inside and outside the house, such as plant pans, gutters, buckets, trash cans, toys, old tires, and wheelbarrows. .. Freely available by contacting the Vector Control Program, mosquitofish can be used to control mosquito breeding in backyard water sources such as stagnant pools, ponds, fountains and horse valleys.

Wear long sleeves and trousers outdoors or use insect repellents to protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases. Use insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, lemon eucalyptus oil, or IR3535. Make sure the window and door screens are in good condition and secured to keep out insects.

Increased mosquito activity, or stagnant green pools and other sources of mosquitoes, and dead birds (dead crows, crows, jays, hawks, owls) in the County Environmental Health and Quality Department’s Vector Management Program 858 Call and report. Send an email to -694-2888 or [email protected].

Copyright 2021, City News Service, Inc.





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