Florida COVID Attacks Children More Violently with Delta Variants
UF Health Shands Hospital has the highest number of young people hospitalized COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Nine and six patients under the age of 19 have been in the intensive care unit since the pandemic began, CEO Ed Jimenez said Thursday.
Jimenez, who told reporters on Thursday’s Zoom Call, said doctors are urging people over the age of 12 to be vaccinated.
NS Highly contagious delta variant He said the viral load is hitting a younger crowd than the January surge.
“It’s clear that the delta variant is more infectious and the child is hospitalized more than the last peak that wasn’t the delta variant,” he said. “This viral load is accelerating the disease. Tell people that if you have children over the age of 12, you need to be vaccinated. This is an important line of defense to slow down the effects. We know that. “
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Being in the ICU means that the patient is likely to need a ventilator, or at least medical oxygen.
No young COVID patients have been vaccinated
Parents with children under the age of 11 who are not vaccinated need to adopt other strategies to keep their children safe, such as social distance and wearing masks, Jimenez said.
In January, he said the child was occasionally hospitalized for COVID-19 treatment.
“But that wasn’t what we’re seeing every day,” Jimenez said. “Last month, ICU had at least one child every day.”
No one under the age of 19 being treated for the virus in the hospital has been vaccinated, Jimenez said.
Doctors are confident that vaccines available to children over the age of 12 are safe, he said.
“The FDA has allowed this (emergency permit) to proceed under some very rigorous approval process,” he said.
Jimenez was asked if school children feel they need to wear masks as the number of young people infected with the virus is increasing.
Hospital CEO talks about school masks
Governor Ron DeSantis Threatened to withhold funds from some schools Unless his parents were allowed to make phone calls in the school system, he regained it in the Miami Herald story published Thursday.Alachua County Public School Official School students need a mask Now, next week I will reassess the rules.
Jimenez said he knows that wearing masks at school is a hot button topic, and most masks simply prevent people wearing masks from spreading the disease to others. I pointed out that it was just. However, he generally has an increasing number of cases of COVID-19, so there is no doubt that it makes sense for everyone to consider wearing a mask and other precautions. Stated.
“Returning to a situation where everyone needs to think about social distance, not just between children, and consider (spend time) outdoor and indoor spaces where it makes sense. There is no doubt about it, masking the people around it, and where it makes sense in a closed space, “he said. “At this hospital, masks are mandatory everywhere.”
Shans employees do not need to be vaccinated, but if they are not vaccinated, they will need to wear a highly protective N95 mask while working, starting next week.
UF Health Shands has seen more COVID patients in the ICU since Monday
Children are not the only ones sick with this latest strain of the virus.
He said the hospital was treating 215 COVID-19 patients on Thursday. This is one less than last time he talked about numbers on Monday.
On Monday, there were 41 COVID-19 ICU patients. However, that number had increased to 54 by Thursday.
“There is no doubt that increasing the number of ICU patients can ensure that we can draw the conclusion that (patients) are ill,” he said.
Most of the adults in the hospital are not completely vaccinated, Jimenez said. Of the COVID-19 patients, only 8% were fully vaccinated and 92% were unvaccinated. The unvaccinated number includes 5% who had only one of the two shots.
According to Jimenez, the hospital is still postponing elective surgery that requires hospitalization to make room for virus patients, which relied on these surgeries to relieve pain. It’s definitely getting worse for some people.
Staffing remains an issue, but Jimenez claims that he has the resources to handle what is thrown into the hospital.
Nonetheless, hospital staff with the help of contract nurses are “emotionally tired” after treating the virus patient for 18 months, Jimenez said.
“Staff are still coming to work (their work). Changing the equation is that COVID patients need more effort and effort. Increasing COVID patients in the ICU is another This means fewer ICU patients of the type. We must continue these deals. “
About half of the patients treated with COVID-19 at UF Health Shands live outside Alachua County, Jimenez said.
“We know that there were more than 100 COVID patients hospitalized at Lake City Medical Center, 50 miles away yesterday. They have a 99-bed license,” he said. .. “They are at such a limit because you and I can probably conclude that there are non-COVID patients there.”
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