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Due to “apparent” security flaws, COVID vaccine certificates can be forged within 10 minutes


Almost complete counterfeiting of the federal COVID-19 vaccine digital certificate has been found by the general public to be able to be created in 10 minutes using free software.

Richard Nelson, a software engineer in Sydney, discovered that the Express Plus Medicare app had “obvious” security flaws. This allows you to create a vaccine certificate with a background animation to prevent counterfeiting, regardless of name and date of birth.


The prime minister previously stated that certificates are a “trustworthy and effective” way for states to manage exemptions from the blockade side.

Finding a defect could put the state and federal governments on hold, allowing more freedom to be vaccinated.

Nelson found a security hole in his current system (released more than two months ago) while tinkering with the Express Plus Medicare app one night last week.

Other security experts have identified it as one of the obvious vulnerabilities that would have been discovered in a basic security audit of your app.

To show how easy it is to forge a certificate, Nelson took 10 minutes to create a forged certificate in the name of this reporter (I don’t have all the shots yet).


“I don’t think it’s a good idea to put it in the antibacs crowd,” he said.

“People who don’t have a valid certificate can present it fairly easily. The meaning is left to the imagination.”

Will it be fixed?

After discovering the flaw, Mr. Nelson sent detailed instructions to the government, but has not yet responded.

In response to a question from ABC, a spokesman for Employment Minister Stuart Robert, who is responsible for data and digital policy ministers, said the government “repeatedly renewed vaccination certificate certification.”

“The government will continue to renew the vaccination certificate certification repeatedly, including strengthening security measures,” he said.

From the answer, it was not clear whether the government would patch the vulnerability (this would require an update to the Medicare app).

Basic security audit would have found a flaw

Security vulnerabilities are different from one Identified by Senator Rex Patrick Early this month.

Senator used “some graphic tools” to forge a PDF export of the vaccine certificate.

A man in a suit holds his cell phone over and the government website is displayed on the screen
Senator Rex Patrick forged his own COVID-19 vaccination certificate to reveal a flaw in its design.(((

ABC News: Matthew Dolan


This only works with PDF. This is because the app’s own certificate is protected from counterfeiting by animated ticks, live clocks, and shimmering emblems (similar to the type used to license digital drivers).

As you can see in the video above, Nelson’s more sophisticated counterfeiting includes these anti-fraud features.

Nelson said the flaw would have been “absolutely” raised in a security audit.

This isn’t the first time experienced software developers have pierced government IT systems.

He was one of the tech communities who discovered a significant vulnerability in the COVIDSafe app last year, including the fact that the tracking app didn’t work properly on a locked iPhone.

Vanessa Tig, a privacy expert who is another prominent member of the tech community, said the flaws in the Medicare app were “not surprising after experiencing COVIDSafe.”

“Oh yeah, awesome,” she said.

“Certificate requires a digital signature of QR code”

Certificates also have bigger security issues, she said.

Other designs, such as those used in the EU, have digital signatures in the form of QR codes that can be verified as a defense against fraud.

It would be much harder to fool such a system.

“They still have to do something a bit similar to what the EU did,” Teague said.

Smartphone with QR code in front of outdoor restaurant
EU vaccine certificates are used not only for traveling abroad, but also for admission to cafes, museums and other public places.(((

Getty: Artur Widak


The Prime Minister reported that the vaccine certificate will be overhauled in October, but it is not clear whether the new version will only be used for international travel and will work with existing vaccine certificates.

In early July, the Australian Digital Health Agency, the statutory body responsible for implementing various digital health initiatives, Along with the results of the COVID-19 test, we issued a bid request for a smartphone app to store the digital vaccine certificate.

The proposed mobile app is ready “before December 2021” and has “multiple reliability and fraud protection”.

Robert’s spokesman did not answer the question as to whether the government is working on a new type of vaccine certificate.





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