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Among children, teens see the highest Covid-19 case rate


As of Saturday, these teens appear to have the highest prevalence among all age groups, not just children.

There are several factors that can help teens explain why Covid-19 has a high case rate. Delta mutants are highly infectious and are more likely to interact with others, especially during the summer, Dr. Georges Benjamin, Secretary-General of the American Public Health Association, Told CNN on Wednesday. Teens are also least likely to be vaccinated in the eligible group.

“The simple answer is that there is a highly infectious virus that will spread to the most vulnerable people and will be the least likely to be vaccinated,” Benjamin said. “And it is true that young people are still least likely to be vaccinated.”

In the early days of the pandemic, Benjamin said the original strain of coronavirus infected older people and key workers at a high rate, but most people in these groups are now fully vaccinated.

“As this progresses, who will expose the change? Everyone else is vaccinated and not infected, so at least statistically, we can see that the infected people are changing,” Benjamin said. Stated.

“In addition to the fact that we have this new virus, this new virus does several things. One is clearly much more infectious and the most vulnerable than the other viruses. Attacks the virus, “Benjamin said, referring to the delta variant of the coronavirus. “Who is the most vulnerable? Unvaccinated and out-of-home people.”

“The sad reality is that we have a solution.”

There may be several biological mechanisms behind why teens appear to have a higher case rate of Covid-19 than other children, but it’s not really clear, Said Dr. Sean O’Leary. Professor of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases At the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

“My suspicion is that it’s probably more about behavior than biology. What are the kids doing? They can drive themselves, hang out after school, I’m with other children of my age. Perhaps there are often no mitigations implemented at school. “

Millions of teens return to school unvaccinated

And this month, children are returning to school, making them even more vulnerable overall.

“The sad reality is that there is a solution that adequately protects adolescents over the age of 16. Pfizer vaccines are approved for that age group, so you shouldn’t see high case rates in that age group. I was successful in vaccination in my late teens with qualifications, “says Lori Tremmel Freeman. Chief executive officer Of the national association of county and city health authorities, he said.

“I’m more worried about what we’ll see in the next three weeks if the trend continues for the younger age group under 16 years old. If we don’t have a vaccine solution for young children yet, we’re starting to hear. You’ll see more.-Schools have to make a decision to suspend face-to-face learning for a week or so, “Freeman said. “If face-to-face learning begins to affect the transmission of younger age with the reopening of school, there may be temporary measures that allow the school to recover.”

More kids are catching Covid-19

Last month, adults aged 18-29 consistently had the highest weekly Covid-19 infection rates. However, as of Saturday, older children aged 16 and 17 occupied that position in 160.3 weeks of Covid-19 cases per 100,000, according to CDC data. Of course, as more cases are reported to the CDC, case rates are likely to increase and data are subject to change.

By comparison, the weekly Covid-19 case rate for adolescents aged 12 to 15 was 152.7, the weekly rate for children aged 5 to 11 was 137, and the weekly rate for children under 5 years was 79.4.

In adults, as of Saturday, the weekly case rate for people aged 18-29 was 151.9, the proportion for people aged 30-39 was 152.9, for people aged 40-49 129.6, and for people aged 50-64. 95.9, 71.2 for those aged 65-74 and 63.5 for adults aged 75 and over.

Last month, teens aged 16 and 17 showed the highest weekly Covid-19 case rate of all children, from about 48 per 100,000 on July 10 to August 14. It rose to about 200 per 100,000 people a day and decreased last week. ..

The CDC states that case reports can be delayed by up to two weeks.

as a whole, So far, a total of about 800,000 Covid-19 cases They are teenagers aged 16 and 17, accounting for about 2.6% of all cases nationwide. This age group makes up 2.5% of the US population. Their senior companion, aged 18-29, has so far accounted for the largest share of approximately 6.7 million Covid-19 cases nationwide with infectious diseases. This age group makes up 16.4% of the US population, but accounts for 22.7% of all cases.

As more adolescents become fully vaccinated against Covid-19, it should reduce the case rate of teenagers-and hopes to bring more teenagers to hospitals and intensive care units. To keep away from.

“The elderly group tends to have a slightly higher risk of hospitalization, especially if there are risk factors. The risk of hospitalization tends to be lower than 1 year in the pediatric age group, followed by older teens. Said O’Leary of the University of Colorado.

So far, about 8 million or 32% of adolescents aged 12 to 17 have been completely vaccinated against Covid-19, and “nationally, about half of adolescents aged 16 to 17 are first dosed. In that age group, where the amount of unvaccinated is high, because they have been vaccinated. “

As more teens get vaccinated, it will take some time to see the effect.

“I’ve seen it in past clinical trials, but now I don’t think there’s anything to suggest that the situation is different. About two weeks after the first dose, the effect begins to appear, after which the maximum effect is seen. It will start about 1-2 weeks after the second dose, “he added, adding that a single dose of the vaccine appears to be less effective against the delta mutant.

“But don’t forget that vaccinations are on the rise. Not everyone is suddenly vaccinated today, so after five weeks there will be a big impact,” he said. “It’s a really big impact, as more people will get it today, tomorrow, and the next day, but the sooner the better!”





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