Australian soldiers reportedly shot dead 13-year-old Mohammad months after the first photo.
His name is Mohammad Zaher Shah and he was only 13 years old.
He was one of at least 11 Afghan civilians killed in an Australian SAS attack that became known as the “tractor’s job.”
This is the only photo of Mohammad Zaha Shah taken during his lifetime.
It was snapped during a rare family visit to the city of Kandahar from their remote country house where they ate ice cream.
A few months after filming, a 13-year-old boy was shot dead by a SAS soldier while wandering behind a tractor wheel in an onion field.
After the SAS operation, six other farmers in his area also remained dead, lying in or near the fields. In the Shawarikot area on December 15, 2012.
At least six other Afghans were killed nearby after a fierce shootout.
Up to four of them are believed to be the Taliban and two other civilians.
This was the largest single unlawful killing allegedly committed by SAS soldiers investigated for war crimes by Breton investigations.
ABC Investments tracked Mohammad Zaher Shah’s brother, who was still outdoors that day.
Hazrat Shah fled when the Blackhawk helicopter landed.
He later found his brother’s body after being taken to a village mosque with the bodies of other victims.
“Everyone was shot in the head,” he said. “My 13-year-old brother was among them. He was a child.”
Afghanistan’s account of what happened that day is consistent with the account of Australian military sources with knowledge of the assault, including the testimony of a special operations intelligence officer of the Australian Defense Force, who was based in Afghanistan at the time.
ABC Investigations spoke with Captain Louise *, a police officer who said he was informed about the enthusiastic shootings during the December 2012 operation.
Captain Louise was informed of the killing by her ex-husband, who was previously identified as Soldier C by the ABC investigation.
Soldier C is under investigation by the Australian Federal Police after Four Corners broadcast the footage. Shows him killing an unarmed frightened Afghanistan in a wheat field in May 2012..
The ABC investigation also spoke with two SAS patrol members who allegedly witnessed Soldier C. During an early operation in March 2012, he killed an unarmed Afghan with a disability.
Captain Louise said his ex-husband had spoken to her hours after the Shawarikot attack, in December 2012 when he was replaced in Afghanistan in the same winter as Soldier C.
“He told me from his point of view that Patrol Commander accidentally shot one of these peasant groups, and they decided that no one could be left behind. bottom. [what happened]”Captain Louise said.
“So they decided to kill them all, and he explained the fact that there was a very young person, about 13 or 14, if it was 14.”
Captain Louise said he later looked at the photo taken back from the raid and saw a photo of a dead boy who “looked like 13 or 14 years old.”
“I went to myself [officer in charge] And I said, “Look, I think something happened on that patrol yesterday, and I think we need to investigate it further.” And I know [the officer in charge] I took it quite seriously.When [the officer in charge] Goed and talked [a superior officer].. “
ABC Investigations also interviewed other Afghans who were outdoors when the Australians attacked the Blackhawk helicopter.
“Initially, the shooting was [helicopter] Ali Yang, a peasant whose brother Omar Yang was murdered, said, “The soldiers then went forward and shot indiscriminately. From fear, civilians were running and they were shot. “
Australian sources confirmed the patrol’s SAS commander at callsign Zulu One and ordered an American door gunner in Blackhawk, USA, to fire from the air to prevent the dispersal of the people below.
They say the patrol fired when the soldiers landed on the ground.
“If anyone was around here, they would shoot,” said Shakir Ahmad, who witnessed the killing. “There was one busy person with onions and I shot there. Another person was at the edge of the field and shot him. Another person was driving a tractor with a lot of onions and another person Sitting with him, both were shot. They shot seven people here. “
“These people filled their bags with onions,” said Abdul Raffia, whose brother Abdul Salim was killed in the assault. “My brother they killed, he was driving a tractor. There were other civilians with him. Seven were killed.”
One of them was 13-year-old Mohammad Zaher Shah, who was helping onions near the tractor.
The defense previously asked about the killing of “tractor work” told ABC that it was not appropriate to comment on certain claims or investigations.
A spokeswoman said the defense is working closely with a special agent’s office set up to investigate criminal cases filed by Breton’s investigation into Australian special forces war crimes in Afghanistan. ..
When asked by an Afghan journalist working on ABC Investigations what to do about a deadly SAS attack, Ali Jan, a farmer whose brother was killed, was clear.
“They should be taken to court,” he said. “And they should face the same cruelty.”
* Renamed to protect source identity
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