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CDC spends more than $ 2 billion on infection control and prevention efforts


Photo: Rubber Ball / Nicole Hill / Getty Images

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has allocated $ 2.1 billion from US rescue program funding to improve infection control and prevention across the country. This is the largest federal investment ever.

This funding will provide state, local and territorial public health departments and other partner organizations with the resources needed to combat infections in healthcare facilities, including COVID-19 and other known and emerging infectious diseases. Is aimed at.

In line with the ongoing efforts of the Biden administration, the funding commitment also aims to address medical inequality.

According to the CDC, healthcare professionals can more effectively prevent infections in the medical setting, support rapid response to detect and contain infectious microorganisms, enhance testing capabilities, and combat the threat of infectious diseases. Helps you work on innovation aimed at.

Improved infection prevention is expected to extend to a health care continuum that includes an estimated 6,000 hospitals, 15,400 nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, 7,900 dialysis clinics, and 4,700 outpatient surgery centers. It also extends to other outpatient settings.

What is the impact

We hope that this investment will help address the increase in medical-related infections that have increased as US hospitals flooded COVID-19. This reverses some of the developments seen before the pandemic.

Over the next three years, the CDC will issue a total of $ 1.25 billion to the health departments of 64 states, provinces, and territories to support this task. The first award, totaling $ 858 million, will be given to the health departments of these jurisdictions in October. The CDC will spend most of this initial funding of $ 500 million in October to support new forces in the fight against COVID-19 and protect those affected by imbalances. A state-based nursing home and long-term care strike team.

Funded by the CDC, in collaboration with the Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers, state and other jurisdiction health departments staff, train and assign staff to these strike teams, skilled nursing homes, nursing homes, etc. And other long-term care facilities can be supported. Outbreak of known or suspected COVID-19.

The strike team allows the jurisdiction to provide the facility with surge capacity for clinical services. Deal with facility staff shortages. Enhance infection prevention and control (IPC) activities, including support for COVID-19 vaccine boosters, to prevent, detect, and contain outbreaks.

The remaining $ 385 million awarded in October will be sent to state, local, and territorial health departments to strengthen many important areas, including the capacity of the institute. The fund will monitor new pathogens to better identify patients who are or are at risk of infectious diseases, such as antibiotic-resistant strains. Improve the capabilities of your laboratory.

Funding for the project first line will also be secured. Project Firstline aims to meet the diverse educational needs of healthcare professionals and ensure adequate knowledge, training and education. The National Medical Safety Network determines where and when infections occur in the medical setting and targets IPC interventions.

Additional funding will support state data analysis of antibiotic use and implement programs to improve antibiotic prescriptions throughout the community, including addressing health inequalities associated with antibiotic use.

Big trend

NS Previous CDC analysis From the beginning of this month, we have shown that the coronavirus pandemic has directly increased in the number of nosocomial infections in hospitals nationwide.

According to the report, this increase is due to factors associated with the pandemic of COVID-19, including an increase in patients, illnesses, staffing and the need for more frequent and longer use of catheters and ventilators. There are supply issues and so on.

Due to the dramatic increase in ventilator usage and duration, ventilator-related infection rates in the fourth quarter of 2020 increased by 45% compared to 2019. The analysis showed a sharp increase in standardized infection rates. It reflects that more devices are being used.

other Recent research Significant healthcare-related infections during the pandemic of central vein-related bloodstream infections (CLABSI), catheter-related urinary tract infections (CAUTI), ventilator-related events (VAE), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Shows an increase. Bacteremia.

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