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Election 2024: Trump cancels rally in North Carolina, his first since his trial began, due to weather conditions.

Election 2024: Trump cancels rally in North Carolina, his first since his trial began, due to weather conditions.


Nevada's once-dormant Republican Senate primary, dominated by Sam Brown, a U.S. Army veteran, was shaken up last week when a deep-pocketed rival took aim at the front-runner.

Jeff Gunter, the ambassador to Iceland under former President Donald J. Trump, is launching a $3.3 million ad campaign with a MAGA message his campaign says is hoping to narrow M's dominant lead . Brown on this crowded field.

A television ad by Mr. Gunter that began airing Wednesday called Mr. Brown the latest creature to emerge from the swamp, linking him to Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, and ridiculing his primary opponent as by Scam Brown.

Mr. Brown, a veteran seriously injured in Afghanistan in 2008, consolidated his party's support after entering the primaries last July, won the endorsement of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and participated in fundraisers across the country with prominent Republicans. It has outpaced its competitors in fundraising, raising $2.4 million in the most recent quarter, according to fundraising reports.

Mr. Brown sought to use the Trump campaign playbook, skipping debates and focusing his attention on Senator Jacky Rosen, the Democratic incumbent, rather than his Republican rivals.

That changed on Thursday, when Mr. Brown appeared to address Mr. Gunter for the first time, at a private fundraising event in Sparks, Nev., after Mr. Gunter accused him in advertisements and appearances of being misleading and not professional enough. -Asset.

You might hear some noise out there, and people coming from places like California seven months ago, wanting to call me this or that, Mr. Brown told attendees, according to a recording obtained by the New York Times. And this is going to happen and we're waiting for people who were literally Democrats a year ago to play this kind of game. But just keep your head down. You know who I am.

His comments seemed to focus on Mr. Gunter, a wealthy dermatologist and recent California transplant who was once a registered Democrat.

A group supporting Mr. Browns' campaign, the Duty First PAC, this week aired its first television ad since last year, grossing $322,000, according to the tracking company AdImpact. Mr. Brown's campaign declined to comment on Mr. Gunter.

Mike Berg, a spokesman for the NRSC, suggested that Mr. Gunter's prior party affiliation and residency would be an issue for Republican voters.

California Democrats generally support policies like defunding the police, opening our southern border, and freeing violent criminals. So it would be surprising if Gunter stood out in a Republican primary, Mr. Berg said.

Mr. Brown remains the big favorite to win the June 11 primary. A recent poll commissioned by the NRSC and Mr. Browns campaign and conducted by the Tarrance Group, a Republican firm, found that 58 percent of likely primary voters supported Mr. Brown, while Mr. Gunter was in fourth place. with 3.2 percent.

I still think it's Sam Brown's race to lose, said Chuck Muth, a Las Vegas-based conservative political consultant. The only thing that could influence the race, Mr. Muth said, would be if Mr. Gunter could get the support of Mr. Trump, who has not yet weighed in on the primary.

Mr. Trump posted several messages this month appearing to express his approval of Mr. Brown on Truth Social, his social media platform. Democrats are terrified of a united Trump-Brown ticket in Nevada! a lecture.

In an interview, Mr. Gunter acknowledged that the NRSC had tried to dissuade him from running, and he criticized Mr. Brown, arguing that he had little to point to in terms of experience or credentials. expertise other than his time in the military.

I salute his patriotism, he served his country, he was wounded in combat. But other than those things, he's basically a three-time loser, Mr. Gunter said, citing Mr. Brown's failed bid for the Texas State House while he lived in Dallas in 2014 and his defeat in the state primary. Nevada Senate in 2022. (Mr. Brown also considered, but ultimately abandoned, a run for the Nevada State Assembly.)

Mr. Gunter, who largely self-funds his efforts and loaned his campaign $2.7 million last quarter, faces his own challenges in his campaign. In addition to his previous background as a California Democrat, he says he now lives in Nevada and the Democratic Party left me his tenure as ambassador to Iceland, which was closely scrutinized. A 2021 report from the Office of Inspector General found that he fostered a threatening and intimidating environment within the embassy. CBS reporting detailed his apparently erratic behavior, including his attempts to work remotely from California early in the pandemic.

Mr. Gunter said he ran this place like clockwork and the government report was false.




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