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Sudbury companies adapting to the COVID-19 vaccine passport system


Under the new rules, people need to present vaccination evidence to access non-essential services

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The COVID-19 passport system in Ontario was launched on Wednesday and local businesses are still in the process of adapting to change.


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Under the new rules, people will need to present proof of vaccination to access many non-essential services throughout the state, such as restaurants, bars, gyms, theaters and casinos.

According to the Sudbury Health Unit, the passport aims to add another layer of protection against the COVID-19 epidemic and protect those who are not eligible for the vaccine.

Some companies started implementing the new system a few days ago, while others had to adjust to accommodate the new mandate.

“Today was a really quiet day, but I think we need to wait a few days to see what happens,” said Eddie Gawk, owner of Eddie’s Restaurant on Regent Street.

“I started checking my passport on Sunday because of the large number of regular customers. I found it easiest to check my passport at the door when I entered the country. It speeds up the process.”

According to Gawk, his employees have adapted to check vaccine passports at the door, and so far his customers have embraced the new rules.

“Hey? That’s a fact of life. I have to do it. Some say it’s bullish, but in my experience it’s a minority,” he said.

“I was lucky during the pandemic compared to many places. I have good, stable and loyal customers and many people come here twice a week. Here I think it’s much easier to monitor than most places. “

Owners of Regent Street’s deluxe burgers have found it a bit difficult to implement a new passport system.


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As a result, the fast food restaurant decided to temporarily close the cafeteria.

“We’re fast here. People come and go quickly. Even those who eat here come and go in no time. I checked someone’s passport and ID and got it 14 days ago. Do you want to check? It will take time, “said Masha Smith.

“We are a small business and we have a small staff. We are trying to keep up with all the ever-changing policies and procedures. Now it is not realistic for someone to ask for an ID. “

The lack of staff contributed to Smith’s decision, which was also largely related to the nature of the business and how the restaurant was set up.

“You need to check your ID at the counter and then make sure that what you see is what you’re actually sitting on. Sometimes people change their minds-and we have to worry about it. Probably, “she said.

“As I said, people come and go quickly here. I ask the counter if someone is eating or eating out, but now I don’t have the staff to do that.”

Smith added that it was still the first day. Now that the twist has been removed from the system, she considers resuming the dining room.

“We really just want to be careful. I think this new system is responsible for everyone. We all have to participate in whatever we think is right to move forward,” she said. Said.

“This business is built in Sudbury and is only in Sudbury. As far as we are concerned, it’s the best city around. Our customers are great and what’s happening is really going well.”


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She added that the pandemic had an impact on her business, but she believes Deluxe is lucky to be able to offer drive-through and takeaway services.

“We are happy to be here and open. We will continue to do our best,” Smith said.

Public Health Sudbury and Districts said the COVID-19 vaccine passport is required in most high-risk environments where people are likely to have to remove their masks to participate no matter what they are doing.

This includes attending events such as dining, exercising, and wedding receptions.

“Where there is a high risk of COVID-19 being widespread or infected, we need that extra protection,” said Natalie Philippe, a public health health nurse.

“It creates a circle of protection around individuals who are more vulnerable to COVID-19 or who cannot be vaccinated due to their age or allergies or medical conditions that prevent it.”

Anyone attempting to access any of these non-essential services must prove that they have been vaccinated twice with a Health Canada-approved mRNA vaccine, in addition to a government-issued photo ID. ..

People who have been vaccinated once or twice with a vaccine not approved by Health Canada must be vaccinated once with an approved vaccine or three times with an unapproved vaccine.

Individuals must have had a second vaccination at least 14 days before accessing one of these local businesses or services.


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“It takes about 14 days for your body to develop a good immune response to the vaccine,” Philip said.

Residents of the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts do not need to apply for a vaccine passport.

“It’s basically a receipt that shows that you’ve been vaccinated. It could be a copy of the Ontario vaccination receipt you received at the clinic,” Philip said.

“I have a print option, but if I choose not to print the receipt, it’s perfectly fine. You can use the receipt in the email certifying your second dose or access the receipt from the online portal.”

She added that individuals can also use receipts signed by indigenous health care providers or receipts from other jurisdictions.

Health exemption requires evaluation by your healthcare provider.

“For now, enforcement will look similar to what happened at Maskmandate. We will continue to follow a progressive approach and work with local executive partners,” said Philip.

“Enforcement is in collaboration with (public health), Greater Sudbury Police Services, state police, and local ordinance officers. This is a joint effort to respond to community complaints.”

The health unit calls on the general public to be patient and kind while the new system is deployed.

“Individuals requesting this information must do so by law. They didn’t make a rule,” Philip said.

“This is a new process and it will take some time to coordinate, but just be patient and know that from a complaint and enforcement point of view they have to obey the law.”

The Local Journalism Initiative was made possible by federal funding.

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