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Breakthrough example: How many vaccinated people are infected with COVID-19 in New York?


Staten Island, NY-When vaccination with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) begins and many New Yorkers receive their first injections, the city vaccines by recording the number of vaccinated people catching the virus. Keep track of the effectiveness of.

Medical professionals have always said that COVID-19 infections (commonly referred to as breakthrough cases) in vaccinated people are expected, but in most cases the disease is less serious.

According to the city, from August 23 to September 19 (latest data available), an average of 73 new cases occur each week for every 100,000 New Yorkers vaccinated.

At the same time, for every 100,000 unvaccinated residents, there were an average of 391 cases per week, more than five times as high.


The New York City Department of Health figure shows the proportion of COVID-19 cases in vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

A total of 36,720 groundbreaking cases have occurred throughout the city since the first vaccination was given on January 17. This is about 7% of all COVID-19 infections in New York.

Vaccines are more effective in preventing hospitalization and death. The 1,930 breakthrough COVID-19 hospitalizations accounted for 4.4% of the total, and 3.4% of New Yorkers killed by the virus after January 17th killed 259 people.


The New York City Department of Health chart shows the COVID-19 hospitalization rates for vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

This year, more than 7,000 people died of COVID-19 in five wards.

Effectiveness over time

The state of New York also tracks cases of COVID-19 by vaccine status and provides weekly estimates of vaccine efficacy.

Data are available on the State Department of Health website It dates back to the week starting May 3rd.

Estimated vaccine efficacy for the week of May 10 was as high as 92.4%, with estimates steadily declining at the end of spring and stabilizing in the range of 76% to 77% in July.

According to the latest data from the week of September 6, the state-wide estimated vaccine efficacy is 77.2%.

Another estimate of the efficacy of the vaccine to prevent hospitalization for COVID-19 is much higher, more stable since May, and never falls below 90% efficacy. Currently it is 94.8%.

Despite some groundbreaking cases that have attracted attention, such as a series of series COVID-19 infection among vaccinated New York Yankees athletes And its occurrence Shut down the day after the Broadway show “Aladdin” resumes, Experts say the data prove that vaccines save lives.

In August, Dr. Phil Otterbeck, chair of medicine and endocrinology at the University of Richmond Medical Center (RUMC), told Advance / that “[t]The majority of patients hospitalized in the past month have been unvaccinated.

“Several people have come to the hospital with a history of previous vaccinations, but the death toll is limited to those who have not been vaccinated.”

At that time, Mayor James Oddo said: “The illnesses, illnesses and deaths we see here and around the country are overwhelmingly preventable.”


There was Some controversy about using booster shots to boost immunity Among those vaccinated earlier in the year, the state began approving third shots for several groups.

“Currently, booster doses are only available to those who meet the eligibility criteria and have been vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in the first vaccine series at least 6 months ago,” reading the state website. increase.

To be eligible for booster shots, the New Yorker must be one of the following: Residents living in long-term care facilities over the age of 65 have an underlying illness (if over the age of 18) or are at increased risk of COVID-19 exposure due to work.

The people of Staten Island City online booking tool, Or a pharmacy, clinic, or other healthcare provider.




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