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How close are we to the coronavirus vaccine? Latest News on UK and US Trials


The results, led by the National Institutes of Health, have not been peer-reviewed or published, but Professor Robin Shattock, Professor of Mucosal Infections and Immunology at Imperial College London, called the initial results “encouragement.”

“This is a promising start, but efficacy data will be key and will continue to be able to scale in ways that provide global access if this vaccine is successful.”

The second phase of the 600-person trial will soon begin, and the third phase with thousands of participants will begin in July. Even if future trials are successful, Moderna’s vaccine will not be available from January to June 2021.

US President Donald Trump said Mass production begins in the US Vaccines developed before full approval will be rubber stamped for immediate distribution.

Alongside vaccine development, doctors Testing existing drugs Viruses such as Ebola, malaria and HIV. Initial results appear promising, but doctors cannot be certain that the drug will be effective until a complete clinical trial is completed.

It was also reported GSK and Sanofi partner We plan to develop a coronavirus drug and prepare a vaccine for testing by the end of 2020.

UK Vaccine Task Force

April 17, the government Launched the task force It’s designed to “fast develop coronavirus vaccines” and to scale up production to speed mass production.

Led by Sir Patrick Valence and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Jonathan Phantam, members include AstraZeneca and the Welcome Trust.

The government initially invested £ 14 million into 21 coronavirus research projects, including those by scientists at Oxford University and Imperial College London. On April 21, the funding was further increased with the announcement of another £ 44.5 million for the Oxford and Imperial trials.

A few weeks later, business secretary Alok Sharma announced another £ 84m in new money to “accelerate the work”.

“This new funding will help mass-produce the Oxford vaccine, so if the current trials are successful, there will be a dosage to start vaccination for people in the UK immediately.”

To support the mass production of UK vaccines, Sharma announced that the UK’s first Vaccine Manufacturing Innovation Center will open one year ahead of schedule in the summer of 2021.

“Last month, we announced that the government would accelerate the construction of the UK’s first vaccine manufacturing innovation center based in Harwell, Oxfordshire, to further support domestic manufacturing capacity.

“And today we can announce that we will invest another £ 93m in the center to guarantee it will open 12 months ahead of schedule in the summer of 2021.” Only 6 for a center already under construction Sufficient vaccine dose to serve the entire UK population in months. “

How long does it take to make a vaccine and why?


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