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A probable case of an “extremely rare” disease after a woman has been bitten by an Owl


Health authorities in New South Wales issued a warning after discovering a possible case of “a very rare bacterial disease” that had not been seen in Australia for about 10 years.

Further tests are being done in March outside northern Sydney to confirm the diagnosis of tularemia in women bitten by a ringtail possum.

Later, she developed symptoms of the disease, including swollen lymph glands, fatigue, and sore throat, NSW Health said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.

“Tularemia is a very rare bacterial disease that can be transmitted from infected animals to humans, but not from person to person.”

In Australia, only two cases of tularemia have previously been reported in humans. Both people were bitten and scratched by a possum in Tasmania in 2011.

NSW Health has historically said that the infection was only found in two Australian possums, “it died in separate clusters in 2002 and 2003.”

“The types of bacteria that exist in Australia are less virulent than those found in North America, and there are no deaths associated with this disease in Australia.”

University of Sydney Researcher Illness was discovered in 2017 – “It was thought not to exist in the Southern Hemisphere.” – Present in a wild ringtail possum population in Sydney.

Tularemia affects a wide variety of animals including wildlife such as rabbits, hares, rodents and possums.

According to the Federal Health Service, it was first described in the United States in 1911, where it is also known as “rabbit fever” and “deer fry fever.”

“Tularemia is a debilitating illness, widespread among wildlife, and occurs in California, Texas, Oklahoma, Martha’s Vineyard in the United States, and parts of Eastern Europe (Kosovo), China, Japan, Scandinavia and Siberia. It’s often seen, ”said the Public Health Institute Network.

Keira Glasgow, director of NSW Health Communicable Diseases, said the best way to prevent infectious diseases is not to touch or treat wildlife.

“It’s important to get early treatment if these symptoms make you feel sick after a recent touch of the possum, especially if you’re bitten or scratched,” she said.

Ms Glasgow said the disease is “highly contagious,” but most people get a full recovery with the appropriate antibiotics.

This warning follows a warning issued in early May after three people joined at NSW “Aum fever” was diagnosed..

Health in New South Wales announced in a statement from early April that three local people in the Blue Mountains and Lithgow areas were infected with the rare bacterial infection Aum disease.

“Aum disease is a disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittasi carried by birds,” the agency said.

“Man most commonly catches disease from infected birds by inhaling bacteria from secretions and feces.”

The state is also recorded Increase in local military illness This fall.

Monday’s NSW Health said the initial symptoms may be “like those of COVID-19,” so it’s important to seek advice as soon as possible.

Relation: Follow the latest coronavirus updates

“Companies reopening operations following the closure of COVID-19 have legal obligations to ensure that building owners and residents maintain proper cooling towers for air conditioning and reduce the risk of Legionella disease. I remember incurring, “said the Department of Health.

Symptoms of the disease commonly associated with infected towers occur up to 10 days after exposure and include fever, chills, coughs, and shortness of breath, causing severe chest infections such as pneumonia.


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