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NWT expands eligibility for COVID-19 booster shots and stable number of cases


NWT health authorities have expanded the list of people eligible to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose to include Yellowknife residents over the age of 50 and all other territorial residents over the age of 40.

Booster doses are available 6 months after receiving the second dose.

According to the Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Welfare, booster effects and flu shots are available at public health locations at Center Square Mall in Yellowknife.

Authorities confirmed that people could take both shots at the same time.

In a news release on Thursday, Yellowknife’s public health unit added that it plans to reduce service from October 21st to November 5th due to its focus on shot management.

“Public health will resume regular vaccination clinics and services after the end of the Seasonal Influenza Clinic in Yellowknife on November 5.”

How to reserve a shot

Authorities also said they would encourage residents of Yellowknife to make their reservations. Book online..

“In all other communities, residents can access information about influenza vaccines by visiting the following sites: Alternatively, by contacting your local health center or health center for more information on your local seasonal flu clinic, “the release said.

Authorities said the booster dose was different from the third dose. People with immunodeficiency may be eligible for a third dose and need to inform their health care provider when booking immunity.

Authorities also said they strongly recommend that women who are about to become pregnant, are pregnant, or have just given birth should be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

He said the vaccine passport program is about to begin and is receiving more vaccination exemption requests than before.

It is said that there are only two reasons why tax exemptions for medical vaccines are issued. One is due to an allergic reaction and the other is due to myocarditis or pericarditis from previous doses.

Increasing cases in Hay River and K’atl’odeeche First Nation, stable throughout the rest of the region

The NWT office of public health officers has reported and published 17 new COVID-19 cases across the region since Wednesday. One public notice about the location of Yellowknife..

The number of cases in the Northwest Territories was 256 on Wednesday, an increase of 2 from yesterday.

The only communities reporting growth since Wednesday are Hay River and K’atl’odeeche First Nation. There were 39 cases reported in the community on Thursday, eight more than yesterday.

In Yellowknife, Data and Ndiro, 125 cases have been reported, down 2 from Wednesday.

In Behchokǫ, OCPHO reported 66 cases, two fewer than yesterday.

Fort Good Hope reported only one case today, compared to two yesterday, but Watty now reports two instead of one reported yesterday.

In all other communities with cases, the numbers have not changed since Wednesday. There are 14 cases in Inuvik, 6 cases in Fort Simpson, 3 cases in Lutselk’e, and 1 case in Fort Smith.




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