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What does it take to move from a pandemic to endemic in Michigan?


(WXYZ) — For months, we were all waiting for our world to return to normal. According to experts, the COVID-19 pandemic ends when it transitions to an endemic cycle.

This usually happens when the mortality rate is slow and the spread of the virus is significantly slowed down.

Bad News-Most of us could be stuck at COVID-19 for the rest of our lives. The good news is that it eventually fades into the background and minimizes the disruption of our daily lives.

A common example is influenza endemic. It is still widespread and can still kill people, but it is not happening at a high rate across the entire population.

“I didn’t suddenly get endemic after switching on,” said Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, MDHHS Chief Medical Executive.

There is no magic number or exact timeline as to when the pandemic will end, but generally speaking, COVID-19 becomes a manageable threat as more people are vaccinated and infections are delayed. , May enter the stage of endemic disease.

“It will change how our COVID-19 response works,” said Bagdasarian. “How our test responses work, how our contact tracing and research work, so we’re definitely looking in the long run.”

Certain high-vaccination states and cities in San Francisco have already begun a step-by-step approach to endemic conditions by relaxing COVID-19 restrictions.

Dr. Matthew Simms said that in many cases the so-called return to normal could be too fast.

“There is still a lot of potential to overwhelm the healthcare system whenever there is a new surge,” he said.

Lessons are learned in every pandemic.

“I think one of the things we’ve learned as a nation is that we need to invest in public health infrastructure to prepare for the next pandemic and to prepare for future public health threats,” Bagdasarian said. Says.

In addition, our society is learning new habits such as wearing masks. Many say that once the pandemic is over, we will continue.

Since the global response to COVID-19 was not uniform, our path to endemic conditions may also be uneven.

“There are a lot of different indicators involved, which will be a very slow and cautious process,” said Bagdasarian.

Children between the ages of 5 and 11 are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, which could bring us one step closer to endemic conditions.

Additional Coronavirus Information and Resources:

display Global Coronavirus Tracker With data from Johns Hopkins University.

See our full coverage Coronavirus continuous coverage page.

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