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Mount evidence emphasizes the importance of the Covid-19 booster


This discovery was not surprising to Dr. Linawen, an emergency physician at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health and a visiting professor of health policy and management.

“The data from Pfizer this morning isn’t surprising. In fact, this is what we’ve always expected. There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that there’s some antigenic escape. Wen, CNN’s medical analyst, told CNN’s Ana Cabrera on Wednesday.

“So that adds another reason why everyone gets a booster, certainly who is eligible,” Wen said. “But we hope that our federal health authorities will quickly reassess the definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated, especially in light of what they are learning about Omicron.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommended booster immunization for all adults Those who received a second dose of Moderna or Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine at least 6 months ago, and those who received Johnson & Johnson were injected at least 2 months ago. Eligible adults can get boost immunity from any of the three licensed vaccines.
According to the CDC, all vaccinated adults are required to obtain a Covid-19 booster shot for the Omicron variant.
Vaccine makers have been selling for months Immune vaccines induced against Covid-19 can decline Over time, it leads to the need for booster doses. Boosters appear to restore immunity to the first place.
Two separate studies from Israel, published Wednesday, showed a booster vaccination with Pfizer / BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine. Reduce infection by a factor of 10. When 90% reduction in Covid-19 deaths..

Two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine examine the effectiveness of the Israeli campaign to provide boosters to everyone over the age of 12 due to the spread of delta variants in the summer. Although there were few deaths and severe cases of fully vaccinated people, booster shots dramatically reduced them even further.

There is more evidence that boosters not only recover from weakened immunity, but also improve protection against new coronavirus variants.

Evidence has led those to suggest that the definition of being fully vaccinated should shift from completing two doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to completing three doses. ..

What is currently considered fully vaccinated?

Uğur Şahin, CEO of German biotechnology company BioNTech, said at a press conference on Wednesday that the main series of Pfizer / BioNTech coronavirus vaccines should be considered as a three-dose series rather than a two-dose series and a booster. Said.

“Especially given the current availability of data on the Omicron variant, it is very clear that the Omicron variant vaccine must be a triple dose vaccine,” said Şahin.

Pfizer and BioNTech are working on a mutant-specific vaccine for Omicron, which will be available by March if needed. But despite the development of Omicron-specific vaccines, people eligible for booster shots shouldn’t wait, Shahin said.

As scientific data make the benefits of a third coronavirus vaccine clearer, some public health experts need to change the US definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated. Asked. Change the definition.

Currently, CDC is fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by people two weeks after the second vaccination with Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after the single vaccination with Johnson & Johnson vaccine. I consider it to be.

CNN has contacted the CDC for comment on updating its definition.

“I’m very happy to hear from Pfizer from the very encouraging hard science. Redefining public policy and vaccination targets is a big leap. Don’t make it more complicated than them. Vanderbild Dr. William Schaffner, director of preventive medicine at the University School of Medicine and liaison to the CDC’s Immunization Implementation Advisory Board, told CNN Victor Blackwell and Alicin Camerota on Wednesday.

“I think changing the requirements of the meaning of complete vaccination will bring all kinds of downstream effects to all kinds of institutions in the country,” he said. “I don’t think we’re there yet.”

Studies show that the Omicron coronavirus mutant partially circumvents the protection of the Pfizer vaccine.

However, it is currently a question whether the definition of complete vaccination will be changed to include three doses, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, said Wednesday.

“This is a technical, almost semantic definition, a definition of the requirements if someone says,” Are you completely vaccinated? ” To be able to attend college and college classes and work at work. “

He added that he did not see the definition change “tomorrow or next week.”

But when it comes to the protection provided by the booster effect, “I don’t think anyone claims that optimal protection is done in the third shot. Whether or not the definition is officially changed, it’s literally a routine idea. It’s always on the table. ” “It will be a problem when it isn’t, not when it isn’t.”

The majority of vaccinated adults say they will get boosters, KFF polls find

Currently, only about a quarter (25.9%) of fully vaccinated adults in the United States receive a booster coronavirus vaccine, according to CDC data. That percentage is up from the percentage of adults who were boost-immunized a month ago.

After the Thanksgiving holiday, the pace of vaccination is rapidly increasing. According to CDC data, an average of over 950,000 booster doses have been reported daily over the past week, accounting for more than half of all vaccinated doses.

However, there is still room for improvement in vaccination. Based on the CDC guidance, more than 144 million adults need to get a booster. So far, only about 48 million adults have received one.

Some teens may get the Covid-19 vaccine booster soon, but younger children may not get it at all.

For people under the age of 18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration did not convene the Pfizer / BioNTech Vaccine and Related BioNTech Advisory Board for people under the age of 16, according to an FDA spokeswoman, Abbey Capo Bianco. We are considering a request for urgent permission for a Covid-19 booster for children. ..

“Authorities have previously convened VRBPAC for extensive discussions on the use of COVID-19 vaccine boosters and have already approved boosters for 18 and 19 years old. After reviewing Pfizer’s requirements, it does not occur. Concluded. Questions that would benefit from additional discussions by members of the Commission. “

Pfizer applied for a booster EUA for this age group at the end of November and has already been licensed as a booster for people over the age of 18. It is unclear when a decision will be made regarding this request, but Capo Bianco goes on to write: “The FDA cannot predict how long it will take to evaluate data and information, but authorities will consider the request as soon as possible.”

While boosters are being deployed in the United States, the World Health Organization’s over-focus on booster shots is due to the focus in other parts of the world on using the first dose of vaccine as a weapon. I am warning you.

Global call to vaccinate unvaccinated people

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, WHO Chief Scientist, said at a press conference Wednesday that the first round of vaccination against Covid-19 remains important to combat the spread of the virus.

“I think the message is loud and clear,” Swami Nasan said in a media briefing. “Preventing severe illness and death is the main course of vaccination. That must be our goal.” Said. She added that WHO recommends additional vaccinations for people with immunodeficiency.

However, among the general public, “Unfortunately, there is still a significant proportion of unvaccinated people in countries that are well or oversupplied-30%, 40%. , 50% complete the vaccination course, “Swaminasan said.

“So, unfortunately, boosters are probably not the solution to this,” she said. “At this point, the benefits of reaching people who have not received the primary course of vaccination will be higher than giving additional doses to those who have already completed the primary course.”

CNN’s Deidre McPhillips, Amanda Sealy, Jamie Gumbrecht, Naomi Thomas, and Virginia Langmaid contributed to this report.





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