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Scottish dad diagnosed with a brain tumor after a severe headache appreciates “amazing” life-saving medical care

Scottish dad diagnosed with a brain tumor after a severe headache appreciates “amazing” life-saving medical care


A Scottish father diagnosed with a brain tumor after months of “unbearable” headaches praised “amazing” life-saving health care workers.

Michael Savage, 39, was suffering from “unbearable” pain when he began to experience severe headaches in March 2020.

From dad Motherwell, He desperately sought help in pain, so he visited his GP several times in just five months.

However, the painkillers prescribed by his doctor did not work.

Introduced to a CT scan at a university that was 38 at the time hospital Wishaw further investigates his catastrophic migraine.

CT scan found a “golf ball size” tumor
(Image: Brain Tumor Research)

Within hours of the mid-August scan, Michael received a catastrophic diagnosis as a doctor revealed what he had.Brain tumor.

Regarding the Daily Record, he said: That was catastrophic news.

“For me, the seriousness was that I was a self-employed person and a major earner, so the impact on my family was broader.

“And I was wondering how I wouldn’t see my daughter grow up, graduate, and get married.”

Michael, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Channel Finance Glasgow, Added: “I was very naive and didn’t really understand the result.

“For me, the diagnosis of a brain tumor is the diagnosis of death.”

Michael spent ten tense days in the hospital and was further examined. There, the doctor determined that the tumor was not “aggressive.” In other words, the tumor was not cancerous.

However, doctors warned Michael that his “golf ball-sized” frontal lobe tumor is still life-threatening and needs urgent removal.

The brave dad underwent nine and a half hours of surgery to remove the tumor at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow on September 14, 2020.

He spent another three and a half weeks in the hospital, where he had to learn to walk again.

Michael underwent major surgery to remove the tumor
(Image: Brain Tumor Research’)

Elizabeth Ann’s husband Michael (40) and Olivia’s father Michael (10) said:

“The hospital staff was astounding and had me walk the next day.”

Michael, who has praised the NHS following his experience, is now undergoing an MRI scan every six months.

He was overjoyed when his latest scan, October 2021, was all revealed.

Michael said: “It was a great relief because it’s always playing behind your heart.

“I run a business and it always depends on you. It’s pretty tiring because you feel you can’t commit to anything.

He continued: “I’m a living proof that the diagnosis of a brain tumor doesn’t mean the end. I feel like I’ve returned to a full-time job and regained my life.

Michael and his wife Elizabeth Ann (40 years old) and daughter Olivia (10 years old).
(Image: Brain Tumor Research)

“It gave me a fresh perspective on life.”

Michael is now keen on raising awareness about brain tumors and wants people to know that it is not necessarily a “death sentence.”

He added: “The advice I give to someone with a brain tumor is to evaluate what you have and give it a million percent.

“It’s hard and rewarding, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

“But if you have a good network of support with doctors and nurses, they can help you get over it. It doesn’t necessarily limit your life or sentence you to death. “

Dad and his colleagues are participating in brain tumor research Wear Christmas hat day I hope to raise £ 1,000 for charity.

Michael said: “Funding for brain tumor research is very important to me. It’s not about me, it’s about helping others who are experiencing something similar.”

You can donate to Michael’s fundraising page here..

Matthew Price, Community Development Manager at Brain Tumor Research, said:

“Michael’s powerful story reminds us that brain tumors are indiscriminate. They can affect anyone at any time. We have more families in their lives due to this horrific illness. We continue to focus on finding treatments that can help prevent us from turning over. “





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