Father and mother genes vie for nutrition in the womb: research
Has been updated: December 28, 2021 16:00 teeth
London [UK], December 28 (ANI): Researchers identify important signals that the foetation uses to control the supply of nutrients from the placenta. gene Inherited from my father mother..
This study, conducted in mice, was conducted by some babies. Uterus..
The results of this study were published in the journal “Developmental Science”.
As the foetation grows, it has its growing need for food mother.. It receives nutrition through the blood vessels of the placenta. The placenta is a special organ that contains cells from both the baby and the baby. mother..
10% to 15% of babies Uterus, Often show a decrease in the growth of blood vessels in the placenta. In humans, these blood vessels expand dramatically from mid to late pregnancy, reaching a total length of about 320 kilometers at maturity.
In this study, a team led by scientists at the University of Cambridge showed how genetically engineered mice can be used to generate signals that promote the growth of blood vessels in the placenta.This signal also causes modifications to other cells of the placenta, allowing more nutrients from the placenta. mother Go to the foetation.
Dr. Ionel Sandovici, the lead author of the paper, said: UterusThe foetation needs food from the mother, and healthy blood vessels in the placenta are essential to help get the right amount of nutrients needed. “
“We have identified one method that the foetation uses to communicate with the placenta to promote the correct dilation of these blood vessels. If this communication fails, the blood vessels do not develop properly and the baby eats all food. I have a hard time getting it, I need it. “
The team discovered that the foetation sends a signal known as IGF2 that reaches the placenta through the umbilical cord. In humans, umbilical cord IGF2 levels gradually increase from 29 weeks gestation to maturity. Too much IGF2 grows too much, but too little IGF2 grows too little. Babies who are too big or too small are more likely to suffer or die at birth and are at increased risk of developing diabetes and heart problems as adults.
Dr. Sandvich has long known that IGF2 promotes the growth of the organs in which it is produced. In this study, IGF2 also acts as a classical hormone-it Produced by the foetation, it goes to the fetal blood through the navel and acts there. “
Of particular interest are their findings, Uterus..
In mice, the response to IGF2 in placental blood vessels is mediated by another protein called IGF2R.two gene Those that produce IGF2 and IGF2R are “imprinted”-the process of turning on a molecular switch gene Identify the origin of their parents and gene On or off. In this case, only the copy of the igf2 gene inherited from the father is active and only the copy of the igf2r inherited from the father is active. mother Active.
Lead author Dr. Miguel Constantia said: gene It ’s a paternal expression. gene Greedy and selfish.They want to extract as much resources as possible from mother..However, it was expressed maternally gene It acts as a countermeasure to balance these demands. “
“In our study, the paternal gene promotes the larger blood vessels of the foetation and the demand for more nutrients, motherThe placental genes try to control the amount of nutrients she provides. A tug of war is taking place and there is a fight between men and women at the genomic level, “Constancia added.
The team found that their findings were fetal, placenta, and mother Communicate with each other during pregnancy. This could then lead to ways to measure fetal IGF2 levels and find ways to normalize these levels or use drugs to promote normal development of the placental vasculature.
Researchers used mice because they can be manipulated gene It mimics various developmental conditions. This allowed them to study in detail the various mechanisms that are occurring. Mouse physiology and biology have many similarities to those of humans, and researchers can model human pregnancies to better understand them. (ANI)
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