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Why are animals susceptible to SARS-CoV-2?


HAMSTER VIGILANTES Attempting a plot against the government sounds like a joke or a plot for a children’s movie. Unfortunately, it’s serious in Hong Kong. In late December, the government of the region ordered the selection of animals after discovering that some hamsters imported from the Netherlands were infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19. .. Thousands of broken heart owners refused to surrender their pets and worked with sympathizers to form an underground network that could hide hamsters from prying officials. It’s a dire situation and prompts a question: can other pets be infected with the virus?

SARS-CoV-2 Other species In much the same way it infects humans. The virus travels in the aerosol to the upper respiratory tract of animals. There are certain proteins on the surface of some cells that the virus can bind to. Binding in this way hijacks the cell, mass-produces the copy, and binds it to another cell nearby. An important factor is whether the cell of the species in question has a receptor protein to which SARS-CoV-2 can bind. Often they do.

The receptor in question is known as angiotensin converting enzyme 2, or ACE2. It is used by the body to regulate blood pressure, and it is commonly found in other species because most animals have blood that needs to be controlled at certain pressures. However, not all species of ACE2 receptors are similar. If the receptor lacks the components that the virus needs to establish a good connection, it has a hard time binding. This is the case for common mice that are less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In contrast, golden hamsters, commonly kept as pets, have ACE2 receptors that are ideal for viral binding. Many studies have shown that these rodents are vulnerable to the virus, and zoonotic disease experts believe they are also very likely to be infectious. ..

Golden hamsters are not the only animals that are susceptible to the virus. According to a study by Barbara Han of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York, more than 540 species may have the appropriate type of receptor (see graph). Gorilla, monkeys, marmosets, and macaques are closely related to humans and all have vulnerable receptors. So do many cats, including tigers, lions, cougars, and domestic cats. Dogs, cows, ferrets and deer can also get the disease. Indeed, the virus is already widespread among North American white-tailed deer. It has not yet been determined if any of these deer are facing suffering or death from SARS-CoV-2. But more concerned than animal health is how the virus changes when it begins to circulate in other populations.

Faced with the challenges posed by masks, social distance, and vaccines, SARS-CoV-2 invaded and faced another species, as it was driven to evolve into a more contagious strain. If you do, it will evolve in an unpredictable way. Immune system. It’s unclear if such further evolution would result in a virus that would be more dangerous if it returned to people, but no one wants to know. The people of Hong Kong are facing dire predicament, but the government believes it is safest to kill hamsters. Pet lovers around the world need to pray that the virus will not start to spread to dogs and cats.

All the stories related to the pandemic Coronavirus hub..You can also find trackers that show Global rollout of vaccines, Excessive deaths by country And the spread of the virus Europe..

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