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Why Sex Education Programs Should Teach Both


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Studies show that incorporating sexual pleasure into the health program of sex education plays a vital role in teaching young people sexual aggression. Westend61 / Getty Images
  • Researchers have found that including pleasure as part of sex education increases the likelihood that people will engage in safer sexual activity.
  • The organization, The Pleasure Project, advocates “turning sexy into safer sex.”
  • Experts say parents also play an important role in teaching young people sex-positive.
  • The open perception that sex feels good allows young people to learn how to experience sex in a safer and more enjoyable way.

Sex education often focuses on everything that can go wrong with sexual activity, such as unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

However, researchers say that sex education may be more effective if sexual pleasure is also part of these conversations.

According to the author of New research In the journal PLOS One, when educators admit that fun is often the main purpose of sex, it helps improve people’s knowledge and attitudes about sex.

Their research also shows that it leads to safer sexual activity and improves compliance with condom use.

The research team has decided to consider the issue of pleasure in sex education. Because I felt it was rarely present in most programs and was not well studied.

To carry out their research, they conducted a meta-analysis of the scientific literature between 2005 and 2020.

Most of the studies included in their analysis came from the United States. However, it also includes studies from countries around the world such as Brazil, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Mexico and Singapore.

When they examined the data from these studies, they found that incorporating joy into sexual health and reproductive programs could have a positive impact on people’s attitudes towards sexuality.

Also, if the educator finds that sex can and should feel good, it can promote safer sexual behavior, including the use of condoms.

The authors recommend that if the sexual health program does not yet include sexual pleasure in educational activities, the sexual health program should reconsider the approach. Sex-positive approach..

This study was published by the World Health Organization (WHO) shortly before Valentine’s Day. Pleasure projectAdvocacy groups described by the authors and founders of the study Ann Philpot As “putting sexy into safer sex”.

Historically, according to Philpott, sexual health education has focused on what we should avoid, or the harm that can be done to us if we have sex.

There are also stigma and taboos surrounding sexual behavior and why people engage in them.

In addition, there are gender norms that make it taboo for women, LGBTQIA +, or other groups who have reached their limits to be able to express what they want and express their gender identity.

“But this doesn’t help us as a whole in that it’s embarrassing that people can’t learn the skills and knowledge they need to protect themselves.” Philpott said.

“We focus on’good sex’, focusing on the pursuit of joy, which is one of the main reasons people have sex, and by recognizing diverse means of desire and satisfaction, sexual health. Promotes sexual surrogate, “she said.

There are formal programs to educate young people about sex, including sex education at school, but parents also play an important role.

Jennifer M. GrossmanPhD, Senior Research Scientist Wellsley Center for Women Who Family, sexuality, communication research initiativesParents said they were often afraid to talk about the positive aspects of sex with their children and were worried about promoting behaviors that could lead to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

She said the evidence did not support this.

“It’s especially important to talk about sexual pleasure with adolescents and young adults, because they form a lasting idea of ​​sexuality and relationships, which is a developmental period that is passed on to adulthood.” Grossman said.

“Therefore, considering sex as a negative behavior can interfere with healthy and positive sexual relationships in adulthood,” she added.

She said that when you avoid positives, it hinders the opportunity to honestly talk about the challenges of using protection with your child, or a safe and healthy way to experience joy like masturbation. ..

Sarah C. Flowers“It’s important to know that you don’t have to sacrifice a fun and enjoyable sexual experience to practice safer sex,” said DrPH, Vice President of Education and Training at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It states.

“In fact, practicing safer sex promotes relaxation during sex because you are less worried about sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies,” she said.

Hana said that condoms can actually enhance the joy of both partners, rather than robbing you of your enjoyment. They come in many different styles, shapes, and textures.

She also said that wearing a condom can be a fun part of foreplay.

Flower added it Consent It is also a big part of living a safer and happier sex life.

“Ask for consent doesn’t have to be difficult or annoying. In fact, telling someone what you want and asking them what they want may be sexy,” she said. ..

“It also makes doing sexy things less annoying and confusing, because when you have a clear consent, you certainly want the person you are with to be the same as you. Because I know, “she added.




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