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Coronavirus Briefing: Another Booster?not yet

Coronavirus Briefing: Another Booster?not yet


Protection from Covid vaccine boosters may be shorter than we expected.

According to the CDC, some of its potency diminishes after about four months.Still, federal health officials say they say them There are no plans to immediately recommend a fourth dose..

Dr. Peter Markes, head of the FDA’s department of vaccine regulation, said:

Dr. Anthony Fauci reiterated that view in an interview yesterday, stating that while data show that booster shots lose some effectiveness, they still provide a strong shield against hospitalization and serious illness.

CDC’s recent research on boosters, Released last weekWe analyzed hospitalizations and visits to medical facilities by people from 10 states, boosted by either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. The level of protection against hospitalization was shown to drop to 78% 4-5 months after the third shot and from 91% 2 months later. Efficacy for emergency room or emergency case visits decreased from 87% to 66%.

CDC data do not examine changes in weakness due to age group, underlying medical condition, or immunodeficiency. Still, researchers said the findings emphasize the possible importance of additional shots.

Israel began offering a fourth shot to healthcare professionals in late December. Swedish public health agency recommended a fourth dose Those over 80 years old. But so far, US health authorities have taken a wait-and-see approach.

“‘Is it okay with the fourth shot?’ That’s what many people are asking me,” Fauci said. “The answer is that when you look at where we are now, it looks like good protection. 78 percent is good.”

Fauci said the answer depends on whether protection is stable or declining at four or five months. And if it keeps falling, how sudden. Since President Biden took office, the government’s vaccine strategy has been reviewed weekly.

Marks said additional shots could prove to be the right time for the next fall, when the coronavirus epidemic is expected to recover again. He also said he hopes that the third injection will have enough breakwaters against the disease and that only an annual Covid booster will be needed. But both he and Fauci said it would be impossible to make a decision without further data.

Millions of Americans still vulnerable to the virus as more states lift mask obligations and other coronavirus restrictions I feel ignored and abandoned..

They see neighbors and government officials pushing for a return to normal while remaining isolated at home, dealing with fatigue and grief.

“They are frustrated and scared, and many of the weakened people I’ve talked to say their mental health is really suffering,” said Amanda Morris, who covers the disability issue as a Times Fellow. Told. Their situation was “like an extreme FOMO,” she said. But unless you are willing to take risks that affect your health, you cannot even choose to change the situation. “

More than 7 million people in the United States, or about 3%, are considered immunodeficient by medical professionals. This means that diseases like Covid-19 can be more deadly to them and vaccines provide less protection.

The horror felt by many high-risk Americans when CDC director Rochelle Walensky quoted a study stating that only 0.003% of vaccinated people died of Covid-19. Anger was released to the public last month. She told ABC News that 75% of people who died despite vaccination “have at least four comorbidities, so in fact they are sick in the first place.”

After a flood of criticism, Warensky apologized and said he would meet regularly with defenders of the disabled. However, Julia Bascom, executive director of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, said the comments reflect a familiar attitude.

As the rules of the virus are relaxed, the best way to protect people with weakened immunity is to vaccinate almost everyone and improve their immune system in public places. Keeping the overall infection low by funding initiatives that also benefit those who do not.

“The people I spoke to didn’t expect others to go to the ends of the globe for them,” Amanda said. “They really made it clear to me that they didn’t expect people to remain isolated, and that people didn’t even expect to wear masks forever. Many of them said,” If there are spikes in Covid’s case, I want people to be vaccinated and wear masks, “or literally want to think a little more.

My family is not selfish. We understand that wearing masks and vaccinations not only keeps us safe, but more importantly, these effortless actions keep everyone safe and necessary during a pandemic. .. People are still dying in Covid at an alarming rate. It’s not time to take off your mask. Of course, probably everyone was vaccinated. I teach adults, but if one of them can’t put on the mask correctly, “Please put on the mask correctly. You don’t have the right to kill my 4-year-old granddaughter.”

-Judi A. Vanwick, Rhode Island

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