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Kawasaki-like syndrome “new condition”


These are the British coronavirus stories you need to know today.

Kawasaki-like syndrome “new condition”

A study led by Imperial College London on 58 children in England experiencing an unusual Kawasaki-like syndrome associated with COVID-19 concluded that it was a new condition.

It is called a childhood inflammatory multisystem syndrome that is temporarily associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS), American Medical Association Journal (JAMA).

In a news release, Dr. Julia Kenny, a childhood infectious disease and immunology consultant at Evelina London, said: “According to our analysis, this is certainly a new condition. Early detection and treatment have good results, and the children we are considering after discharge are completely successful.”

Dr. Sanjay Patel, a pediatric infectious disease consultant at the Southampton Children’s Hospital, commented through the Science Media Center: “It’s very encouraging that most children have recovered. Those who have been treated with immunomodulatory therapy (IVIg +-steroids +-monoclonal therapy).”

Royal Peediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) said it predicts about 200 PIMS cases in the UK. Last month, Case definition.

Symptoms include rash, abdominal symptoms, and high temperature.

RCPCH is guide For worried parents and caregivers.

School test

A study on the prevalence of COVID-19 in teachers and students has been published, although plans to open primary schools for more children in the UK have been withdrawn.

Swabtest surveillance surveys are voluntary and involve up to 100 schools. “The results of this study play a key role in inform- ing broader surveillance planned for fall education in the fall,” said Dr. Shamez Ladani, a UK health department pediatric infectious disease consultant. Would be.”

Russell Viner, a professor of adolescent health at the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, commented: From children to adults to the impact of schools on a wider range of infections is key to protecting all parts of society. Attracting parents is key to obtaining good quality data, as research is voluntary. Linking the data to the test is also essential. Track data from the wider community. “

Alok Sharma has confirmed that previously closed stores in the UK can be opened Mondays as long as they comply with COVID protected guidelines. “As soon as possible, we will publish safer work guidance on restaurants, pubs, bars, hairdressers, barbers, nail bars, and related services,” he told a Downing Street briefing. This is the “earliest” thing since July 4th.

Sharma was asked about the results of the promised review of the current 2-meter rule before the store opens next week. “We will continue to consider this, and only when it is safe will it change,” he said.

Latest ONS data

National Bureau of Statistics is up to date COVID-19 data For England and Wales with 45,748 registered deaths associated with COVID-19 between December 28 and May 29, 2019.

The death toll at COVID-19 Care Homes in the UK is now 12,828 and 626 in Wales.

Deaths Registered in England and Wales Week until May 29 It was 2464 less than the previous week, at 9824, but still 20.2% (1653 deaths) above the five-year average.

Jennifer Dixon, CEO of Health Foundation, commented: 868 deaths from nursing home residents and private homes are above the five-year average. “

Daily deaths and data

Another 28 deaths from COVID-19 in the UK were announced today, bringing the total to 40,883.

Yesterday, 102,930 tests were counted. This number includes home tests that have been submitted but not yet processed.

The number of people tested was last given on Friday 22 May.

Another 1387 positive cases were reported today.

There are currently 6348 inpatients with coronavirus, down from 7622 last week.

Another 446 people are admitted to hospitals in the UK (excluding Scotland) at COVID-19, and coronavirus patients use 513 ventilator beds across the UK.

Brief news

  • Medical Association UK issued joint High Court Opposition Opposition to the Government for refusing to initiate an urgent investigation into the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for NHS staff and other frontline care workers. The legal challenges of crowdfunding have been raised by Hourglass and the Good Law Project, charities that prevent the abuse of older people.

  • Imperial College London plans to sell the low-cost COVID-19 vaccine through Social Enterprise as early as next year. Royalties in the UK and low-income countries are exempt. “These new companies are the most effective way to provide the COVID-19 vaccine quickly, cheaply, and internationally to prepare for the future pandemic,” said Professor Robin Shattock, Imperial. It was The vaccine will enter Phase I/II human trials next Monday in 300 people.

  • The Welsh Government last week updated its face covering advice following new guidance from the World Health Organization. In situations where social distances are not possible, a three-layer face cover is recommended. Health Minister Vaughan Gessing commented, “Wearing face covers is not mandatory, but we encourage people to do this for themselves and others.”

  • NHS England Type 1 diabetes.. Digibete is for kids and MyType1Diabetes is for adults. In a statement, Professor Partakal, a national expert adviser on diabetes, said: Reduce their risk. “

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made its subtle changes COVID-19 Travel advice. It now “advises the British public on all but essential international travel” and dropped references to this being “indefinite”.

  • We have found that at least one junior doctor can earn more as a contact tracer (£17.35/hour) than a regular job (13.50/hour). One of the BBC Victoria Derbyshire: “I prefer to sit at home and pay to call people to speak from a set script, rather than wearing hot and sweaty PPE for up to 6 hours at a time while caring for a COVID patient. Will be paid a lot.”

  • Moving to football players and musicians, medical jobs are a new future career option for children today, Wales online report. The top three jobs were doctors, nurses, and social media influencers, as surveyed by the NHS Discount Offer website on more than 2500 parents of children aged 4 to 16 years.

Get the world’s latest updates on coronaviruses at Medscape’s Coronavirus Resource Center.


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