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The H5N1 strain was considered the worst bird flu that hit Saskatchewan since 2015

The H5N1 strain was considered the worst bird flu that hit Saskatchewan since 2015


Biologist Paule Hjertaas considers himself an avid birder and regularly praises different species of birds.But April 8th was a different story

“At first I thought I was addicted,” Hjertaas said. “When we got home, my husband called a nature maintenance officer, and they said there was probably one case of bird flu.”

Hjertass returned to the same location on April 12, and found numerous dead birds along part of the parked road.

“I thought the bird was there for a while,” Hjertass said. “And that’s why they were so many.”

That day she decided to take a video of a goose that was so confused that she could hardly walk and had a hard time flying.

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“There was a neurological problem with the bird and it was clear that it flew, but he was flying as confused as he was on the ground. The flight was very unstable.”

bird influenza It is an influenza virus peculiar to birds. Since many different strains are constantly circulating, they are known to carry these viruses naturally.But Iga Stasiak, a state wildlife health expert, said this was H5N1..

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COVID put him on the bed of death, and frontline hospital workers saved the man’s life.

“It’s very different,” said Stasiak. “It causes a wider range of mortality in our wild bird population.”

Bonnie Dell, president of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Society, was not surprised that bird flu had invaded the state, but was shocked to see how quickly it began to spread.

“I personally note that I dropped the bird feeder,” Dell said. “I don’t want to encourage bird feeders, and I hope more people do. It’s a small way to help. The ministry also regularly disinfects bird feeders. I am proposing that.

“I don’t think there are enough precautions we can take to help bird populations.”

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According to Dell, if anyone sees a bird suffering, call the Wildlife 911 Hotline (306) 242-7177. Dell said it is currently on a case-by-case basis.

If anyone finds a dead bird in the yard, experts are always advised to call the Ministry of the Environment’s inquiry line. However, if you dispose of the bird yourself, it is advisable to wear a mask with disposable gloves while the bird is in the double bag. When throwing away the bag, you should also throw away the mask and disposable gloves. The final step is to disinfect the area with a 10% bleach solution to prevent the spread of the virus.

“If you come across a large flock that is dead or struggling, stay away from it. Do not go into a large area with many dead birds and try to clean it. It’s up to the experts.”

Dell said the virus could return home and spread past nearby farms simply by stepping into the area or driving a car. Highly contagious.

“There are no reports of it spreading to humans or crossing species,” says Dell. “But it cannot be ruled out. This is COVID For birds. I’m still not sure. “

Dell said the main concern was with endangered birds in the state. She said endangered species such as Whooping Crane and Greater Sage-Will may not recover from such viruses. For her, that’s a scary idea.

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The state’s wildlife health expert, Stasiac, said the bird flu strain is causing the worst outbreak the state has seen in seven years. According to Stasiak, there is limited that can be done to help birds through this outbreak, but there is one thing that can be done.

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“We certainly don’t want to promote congregations or artificial congregations among wild birds,” Stasiak said. “Especially because it’s a waterfowl, we don’t recommend feeding it at this time.”

If you find a sick or dead bird, keep away from it. Leave it to the experts. Call the Ministry of the Environment inquiry line (1-800-567-4224) or the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (306-966-5815).

© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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