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High insulin levels associated with obesity, decreased testicular volume in adolescence

High insulin levels associated with obesity, decreased testicular volume in adolescence



Cannarella R, et al. PSAT113. Announcement location: Endo Annual Meeting; June 11-14, 2022; Atlanta (Hybrid Conference).

Disclosure: Cannarella has not reported disclosure of relevant financial information.

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Atlanta — According to the presenter of ENDO 2022, adolescent boys who are overweight, obese, hyperinsulinemia, or insulin resistant have lower testicular volume than boys of normal weight.

Rossella Canarella

“”Male infertility We are aware of many causes, but in most cases, thorough diagnostic testing cannot determine the cause of male infertility. ” Rossella Canarella, MD, A PhD candidate in endocrinology and andrology, a faculty of clinical and medicine at the University of Catania, Italy, and a researcher at the American Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic told Healio. “Some cases of idiopathic male infertility may be associated with overweight and obesity in childhood. In fact, Overweight, obesity and related comorbiditiesInsulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia have been shown to adversely affect testicular volume in childhood and adolescence. ”

Scale and tape measure

Source: Adobe Stock

Cannarella et al. Evaluated the effects of obesity, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes in a cohort of boys under 16 years of age. Testis volume, age, BMI, insulin, fasting blood glucose, HbA1c and glucose levels were collected 120 minutes after the oral glucose tolerance test. Findings were examined separately for prepubertal boys <9 years, pre-pubertal boys 9-14 years, and post-pubertal boys 14-16 years.

The study cohort included 61 normal-weight adolescents, 53 overweight, and 150 obese. Forty-five participants had insulin levels of 20 IU / mL or higher, and 97 were considered to have insulin resistance of 2.5 or higher in the homeostasis model of insulin resistance assessment. Prediabetes was widespread in 22 boys, 3 with type 2 diabetes.

In the pre-pubertal age group, testicular volume was higher in normal weight individuals compared to overweight and obesity. Boys with normal insulin levels had higher testicular volume before and after puberty compared to boys with hyperinsulinemia, whereas boys before and after puberty compared with boys with normal insulin levels. And the testis volume was high.

After puberty, insulin-resistant adolescents had smaller testicular volume than normal insulin-resistant adolescents. Type 2 diabetes did not affect testicular volume at any age group.

“Pediatricians need to carefully measure testicular volume to identify testicular growth curve deflection in all patients, especially overweight and obese children and adolescents,” Cannarella said. “They should also require semen analysis and andrology counseling for all adolescents, especially those who are overweight or obese for the primary prevention of male infertility. All of these are overweight and obese. It helps to advise patients with male infertility as well as the risk of developing the well-known comorbidities associated with obesity. “

Cannarella said a longitudinal study is needed to assess sperm parameters and fertility in overweight or obese men in childhood or adolescence to further investigate the potential adverse effects of obesity on fertility. rice field.




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