Exercise may boost the immune response to influenza vaccination
- In a new study, researchers say that exercise before and after influenza vaccination can boost a person’s immune response.
- They say the benefits are especially noticeable in the elderly.
- However, some professionals pay attention to physical activity when they feel sick.
However, the effect seems to be more pronounced for those who are already exercising “rapidly” or who are exercising.Benefits also appear to help older people than other age groups
Antibody responses were measured as the time of peak antibody expression before vaccination, immediately after vaccination, and 4-6 weeks after vaccination.
Researchers examined data from six databases and two clinical registries. They identified nine studies and used seven of them. In total, they examined data from 550 participants.
“Clinical measurements of antibody response tended to be higher in participants in acute exercise compared to resting controls and physically more active compared to inactivity,” the study authors said. I am writing.
The exercise period consisted of 15-50 minutes of resistance or aerobic exercise. Most participants were monitored immediately before and after vaccination.
The model included three potential moderators: gender, body mass index (BMI), and age.
“Gender did not affect the results of any strain. BMI did not affect H1 or B strains, but for H3 strains, increasing BMI is expected to reduce the change in titer. “It was,” said the author of the study.
“Improved response [physical activity] It is more consistently identified among the elderly. This suggests that young people have the ability to respond well to vaccination, regardless of sufficient (physical activity), “they added.
The authors of the study conclude that: [physical activity] Our findings did not support our hypothesis regarding antibody titer levels: there was no additional benefit of acute exercise to inactive participants. Subset analysis suggests that the effects of acute exercise-PA interactions on the immune response may be more pronounced in the elderly population, so our findings point to a new direction for exploration. .. Such studies have the potential to identify means of improving antibody responses to vaccines, especially diseases that affect disproportionately in the elderly. “
Experts told Healthline that the findings were not surprising.
“We know that exercising has a myriad of health benefits. It’s well established that exercising boosts the immune system, so this study makes perfect sense. It fits into the existing body of knowledge. ” Dr. Alex MacDonaldA family doctor based in San Bernardino, California, and an expert in infectious diseases and sports medicine.
“It depends on the patient and his condition,” McDonald told Healthline. “There is a simple rule I recommend to patients to check their neck.
“If a patient has symptoms such as stuffy nose, headache, congestion, or mild cough, light aerobic exercise is recommended as it may help boost the immune system and alleviate the symptoms. I will, “he explained. “But if the patient has under-neck symptoms such as body aches, fever, chest congestion, or a deep cough, this often indicates a more serious illness, which can prolong recovery. Exercise is not recommended because of
McDonald’s said that optimal post-vaccination activity depends on the person and his or her normal level of activity.
“I generally recommend spending 50% of the time exercising at 50% of the intensity a patient normally exercises,” McDonald’s said. “For example, if someone usually walks for 30 minutes at a fast pace, I recommend 15 minutes at a slow pace, or if the patient is normal. [does] For strength training in the gym, we recommend half your normal weight and half your weight. “
Dr. David PepperThe clinical director of telemedicine company LifeMD said the Healthline exercise helps blood flow. This is important after vaccination.
“It seems logical to me that post-influenza exercise helps to circulate the vaccine throughout the body, thereby boosting the immune system’s response,” said Culpeper. “Because exercise boosts the body’s metabolism, it can also boost immune function.”
“But your body may need that energy to recover, so I pay attention before exercising when I’m sick. But if you have a mild cold, you’re tired. Sometimes, as long as you hear your body, you can see how light exercise can help, “he added.
“I think about 20-40 minutes of aerobic exercise is sufficient for the average person to promote circulation and improve the immune system’s response to the vaccine,” said Culpepper. “The study focused on the flu vaccine, but it’s not surprising that exercise has the same beneficial effects on any vaccine. Because vaccines can have a variety of side effects, you should choose a particular vaccine. It is advisable to check with your doctor to make sure that you do not have any special attention to exercise after vaccination. “
Dr. Charles BaileyThe Director of Infection Prevention and Medical Care at Providence St. Joseph Hospital and Providence Mission Hospital in Orange County, California was skeptical.
He told Healthline that his research was limited. He added that it’s important not to send a message that exercising when you’re sick is a good idea.
“Regular exercise improves general health, including the immune system, but exercising when sick is not recommended by me or most clinicians,” he said.
Dr. Natasha Trenta CostaAn orthopedic surgeon, a pediatric and adult sports medicine expert at the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, told Healthline that he already knew about exercises to boost the immune system. Especially for the elderly.
“The healthier we are, the better we are at fighting viral and bacterial infections that can get into our bodies,” says Trenta Costa. “This is especially true as we grow older, as the immune system becomes less responsive as we grow older, as evidenced by the annual influenza season and the COVID-19 epidemic. Older people are more susceptible to the flu because of their underlying health and weakened immunity. “
“Improved circulation helps the cells and substances of the immune system flow efficiently throughout the body, helping the immune system to function most effectively. This study, in parallel with influenza vaccination, adds It shows that there may be benefits, “added Trenta Costa.
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