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How to monitor the hidden symptoms of extreme heat

How to monitor the hidden symptoms of extreme heat


Climate change is summer in Canada HotterThere are many days of extreme heat and fewer nights to cool down.

The consequences of extreme heat can be serious: last year, More than 600 people died During the British Columbia Heat Dome, and in 2018 Up to 70 people died In Quebec, it was related to heat waves there.

Studies show that in southwestern Ontario 22 percent increase At the emergency department visit during periods of extreme heat, according to data analyzed from 2002 to 2019.

Which temperature threshold Trigger a heat warning Depending on where you live, the symptoms of fever-related illnesses do not change. Doctors say they aren’t completely aware of what people should be aware of.

“Fever-related illnesses occur when an individual is exposed to environmental heat and their body is unable to adapt or adapt quickly,” said Dr. Justin Yang, an emergency doctor in London, Ontario. ..

Yang treated some patients experiencing fever-related illnesses in the emergency room. He says these symptoms are potentially life-threatening and should be taken seriously when they occur. But he warned that it wasn’t just heat stroke.

“There are symptoms of various fever-related illnesses.”

Some cities have opened emergency cooling centers, recognizing the impact of extreme heat on human health during such heat waves in Toronto in May 2020. (Michael Wilson / CBC)

A series of symptoms

Fever-related illnesses range from mild ones that require cooling and hydration to severe ones that require urgent treatment.

Yellow Zone: Mild heat-related illness

  • Thermal edema According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gravity causes blood vessels to dilate, causing blood to collect in the limbs. People with diabetes, cirrhosis, and heart disease are at increased risk. Treatment is to lift and drain the swollen area.
  • Fever rash As it occurs when the sweat glands become clogged or inflamed, the CDC recommends applying a powder to keep the rash area dry and comfortable. Yang says he saw a rash because the baby was a little too bundled in the ER. “Not only babies, but adults often have rashes in sweaty areas such as the groin, neck, and armpits.”
  • Febrile seizure It happens when the body loses salt and water and is treated by supplementing carbohydrates and electrolytes with snacks, water, or sports drinks.
Women with swelling ankles, rashes on the arms, and abdomen

Orange Zone: Moderate to severe heat-related illness

  • Heat strokeIf someone feels crazy after standing up, they are treated by resting and relieving the heat, sitting or lying in a cool place, and slowly drinking water, clear juice, or sports drinks. increase.
  • Heat exhaustion It usually occurs when sweating causes excessive loss of water and salt. Cool with a cold pack, wash your head, face and neck with cold water, and treat with frequent rubbing of cold water.

Yang says the most common symptom he sees is heat exhaustion.

“People may get crazy, have a little headache, feel tired or weak, or have nausea. They can faint,” he explained.

“What’s really happening is that the body is sending a message to drink water and go to a cool environment.”

A man with a forehead and a woman sitting on a bench that looks tired

Red Zone: Severe heat-related illness

  • Heat stroke It happens when the body’s cooling mechanism stops working and sweating stops and the internal temperature rises. Emergency medical care is needed at this point. Soaking clothes in cold water, ice baths, or cold water will help cool them.
The woman fainted with the person holding her head and hands.

Exercising outdoors in the heat is dangerous

Doctors say excessive exertion can be dangerous, although you may want to go out on a hot and sunny day and it may be needed.

“I explained that I had the patient do a very physical job in the heat and was almost fainted in a terrible mood. They may have actually experienced a heat-related illness, but that I wasn’t aware of it, “said Dr. Christine Clements. Endocrinologist and Clinician-Researcher at Western University, London, Ontario.

People who work outside in hot weather may not be able to meet their body’s desire for a cooler environment.

“Construction workers, people working outside, roofers, people who don’t have the ability to say,” I need to cool, drink water, or go to a colder environment. ” “

Yang says the most serious case he has seen is “people fainting during work under construction.”

Construction workers will use a misting fan to cool down at a Vancouver work site during the deadly heat dome of British Columbia on June 28, 2021. (Ben Nelms / CBC)

Diabetes is affected by high fever

Patients with endocrine disorders, including diabetes, are at increased risk of heat-related illnesses, Clemens says.

She previously published a study on increasing cases of hypoglycemia during the hot season. The reason is scientifically complex, but she says, “I know that insulin absorption, metabolism, and diabetes supply are affected by heat.”

Dehydration and kidney damage from exposure to high heat can lead to changes in drug metabolism, which leads to lower blood sugar levels, she said.

Some patients also have difficulty storing their medications properly.

“Sometimes I prescribe medicines that are particularly effective for my patients, but I have had a hard time finding a safe place to store them so that they are not exposed to heat, especially if my home is in poor condition.”

See | Your neighborhood can determine how hot your home is:

Why your neighborhood may determine how hot your home is

Extreme heat exacerbated by climate change is killing Canadians in their homes. However, how well equipped you are to combat the rise in temperature has a lot to do with your income level and your neighborhood’s income level.

Are you feeling sick?It may be hot

Clemens believes that people may not understand that their symptoms are due to fever, as they may not know what the fever-related illness is.

For mild heat-related illnesses, there is a simple solution: a cool environment. You may not seek this simple solution if you are not aware of the symptoms due to work expectations, if you are unaware that the symptoms are due to the heat, or simply because you do not have access to a cool place. ..

“There are some vulnerable and marginalized populations that come in more often. Elderly people and part of our large homeless population,” said Yang.

Some of these patients find relief in the hospital waiting room without the need for medical attention.

“Some people feel dizzy or cramping. After waiting a few hours in the emergency department, they are completely well,” said Yang.

Recognizing that these symptoms are due to fever, rather than going to the ER, means looking for a cooling station instead, if accessible. According to Yang, this also means less panic for mild heat-related symptoms.

Dr. Justin Yang sits at a work desk in London, Ontario, with a stethoscope around his neck. He is writing a memo for the clinic. And I'm smiling at the camera.
Dr. Justin Yang, an emergency physician in London, Ontario, regularly treats patients with heat-related illnesses. (Submitted by Justin Yang)

Heat stroke is rare and fatal

Yang says there is a misunderstanding about heat stroke and the term is often misused by the general public. They are rare and very serious — and require emergency medical care.

“People with heat stroke suffer from heat-related illnesses that make them unable to do anything to cool themselves.”

“If they have true heat stroke, it will take a considerable amount of time to cool someone.”

It ’s a life-threatening emergency, Symptoms Very high body temperature of the skin, which is either confused, unconscious, and dry or heavy sweating.

“If they enter the emergency department due to organ dysfunction, it is irreversible. People can certainly die from it.”

The CDC advises that if someone seems to have heat stroke, they should call 911 and take immediate steps to cool themselves down.




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