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NHS Test and Trace: The Battle to Defeat Covid-19


Sponsored Editorial: Produced in collaboration with the British Government

The NHS Test and Trace service integrates testing, contact tracking, and outbreak management into an end-to-end service to stop the spread of viruses and help you get out of lockdowns.

This is at the heart of the UK Government’s coronavirus recovery strategy, and in a safe and secure way to protect NHS and social care, we can bring as many people’s lives back to normal as possible.

The main purpose of NHS Test and Trace is to control the rate of reproduction, reduce the spread of the virus and save lives.

How NHS Tests and Traces Contact You

  • You will be contacted by email, text or phone
  • Email sent from NHS Test and Trace
  • Text messages are sent by NH Stracing
  • Phone from 0300 0135000

Positive laboratory test data will automatically contact the person at COVID-19 by text or email, log in to the system and provide various information about where they were and who they met with. Invite them to be sent to the contact tracking system.

People who have confirmed Covid-19 can call, for example, a healthcare professional if they can’t use a web-based system, only have a landline phone, are under the age of 18, or are not responding to emails or text It costs.

If the person using Covid-19 has worked or visited a nursing home, school hospital, prison, etc., you can consider escalating to a health care professional at the Public Health Service in England. ..

When a person at Covid-19 enters their recent contact details (or a health care professional enters the details instead), those contacts receive a text or email notification, explaining the need for self-isolation. Receive detailed information using a web-based system.

When a contact logs in, he/she will be provided with appropriate health advice, including what to do in the event of a symptom. The call handler will follow up with contacts who cannot be reached by text or email.

As the NHS Test and Trace service progresses, from the moment you order your test, ask someone with a Covid-19 symptom to use a web-based system so that your contact information is readily available. We are considering the feasibility of that. Confirms positive results or delays test results.

The UK government says the NHS Test and Trace service will protect families, friends, colleagues and communities.

It’s here to keep us all safe.

He says contact tracking is the most effective way to control the spread of the virus before it can defeat the coronavirus and is used worldwide along with social distance and hygiene measures.

Important Message: NHS Test and Trace Messaging on Boulevard Sign
Important message: NHS test and trace messages on the main street sign

Everyone must play their part

To prevent the spread of coronaviruses, everyone should play their part by isolating if they have symptoms, scheduling a test as soon as possible, and identifying close contacts when requested.

  • People who are symptomatic should book a test as soon as possible at or by calling 119.
  • Symptoms are high temperature or new persistent coughing, or loss or change of smell or taste.
  • People need to be quarantined if they have any symptoms or if asked to do so by the NHS Test and Trace.
  • If you get a positive response, please share your recent close contact information with NHS Test and Trace.

Life on a virtual line

Sarah Hartle has been studying becoming a dental hygienist in Manchester for almost three years, and finally in March she was qualified and ready to start a new career. But soon the British were blocked.

34-year-old he said: “It was literally a few hours after I qualified. I had been studying since 2018 and it all reached this but now I get nothing “Without a way to make money, suddenly two young children went out of school.”

“Then I received this email from a professional dental council and asked medical professionals to join the virtual front. At first glance, being an NHS clinical contact case worker is perfect for me. It seemed like work.

“I was able to choose my own time to work from home, so I was able to work from 8am to noon on weekdays and help my children work at school in the afternoon.” That way, you can do an 8-hour shift a couple of times over the weekend.”

Sarah says the job is rewarding and has turned to people of all kinds who can suffer in isolation.

She said: “One woman told me: “This made me feel so good, would you call me every day?” Just ask someone to ask. I don’t understand what they are doing, but I can give them a platform, a place where they can blow their frustrations or talk about their anxieties. Much of it is about security.

“One of my first cases was a poor mother whose family had the virus and she seemed very guilty about it. The whole family had a positive reaction about it. -Dad, toddler, and little baby, and she was convinced that she gave it to all of them, and became very sick about it.

Virtual Frontline: Sarah Hartle
Virtual Frontline: Sarah Hartle

“She was so emotional, she was the only one who needed some help. Her partner couldn’t get out of bed. He was so sick that the whole family was really struggling. It was

“They were all lonely and she needed someone to listen to her. Of course, I told her it was okay if the whole family didn’t eat properly. – And said it was okay for this period just to grab something to keep them moving.

“I not only discuss symptoms and advice medically, but also mentally and provide emotional support.

“And they also inform them of the practical support there is, such as whether the council can support the grocery store.”

Sarah says there is no typical day as a clinical contact case worker because the two calls are not the same.

Some users need very little help and can respond very quickly, while others require a great deal of time and attention.

She said: On a busy day I might call 8 or 9 times in an 8 hour shift. You can sometimes complete by taking all the details, but then you’ll spend an extra 30 minutes on the phone talking about what they have for tea! What people need in such a sudden isolation is their human interaction. “


The NHS contact trace was published on May 28th. From June 11th to 17th…

  • 6,923 patients with positive coronavirus (COVID-19) were transferred to the contact tracking system.
  • These reached 70.3% and were asked to provide the recent close contact details.
  • We were unable to contact 1,791 people (25.9%). An additional 263 people (3.8%) could not be contacted at all because no communication details were provided.
  • From June 11 to 17, 30,286 people were identified as close contacts. Of these, 24,734 (81.7%) were reached and were asked to self-isolate.


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