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New treatment for debilitating nightmares offers better dreams

New treatment for debilitating nightmares offers better dreams


For people who suffer from recurring nightmares, trouble-free sleep is a dream come true. Now, in a small experiment, neuroscientists have demonstrated a technique that may ward off bad dreams for some people. .

Supplementing standard treatment for nightmare disorder with memory-enhancing technology reduces average weekly nightmares in dozens 3 to almost zeroresearchers report online Oct. 27 biology today.

“The fact that we were able to actually make a big difference in the frequency of these nightmares is huge,” says UCLA neuroscientist Gina Poe, who was not involved in the study.

People with nightmare disorder fear the night not because of the monsters under their bed, but because of the monsters in their dreams. can even affect The go-to treatment for nightmare disorder is imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT). In this treatment, the patient re-imagines the nightmare in a positive spin and mentally rehearses new storylines while awake.It reduces nightmares for most people, but nearly a third of her It fails for people with

To boost the power of IRT, neuroscientist Sophie Schwartz and her colleagues at the University of Geneva utilized a learning technique called targeted memory reactivation (TMR). In this technique, the person concentrates on learning something while the sound is played, and the same cue is played again during sleep. Experience cues during sleep. important for memory storagewhich may reactivate and strengthen associated memories (SN: 10/3/19).

In a new study, researchers trained 36 people with nightmare disorder in IRT and randomly assigned half of them to silently rehearse revised nightmares. The other half rehearsed and his TMR cues, short piano chords, were played every 10 seconds he played for 5 minutes.

For two weeks, participants practiced IRT daily and kept a dream diary. While they slept, headbands with sensors recorded electrical activity in their brains to track their sleep stages. Piano chords served as the dream soundtrack, with headbands blaring every 10 seconds during rapid eye movements, the sleep stage associated with dreams. However, only half of them came to associate sounds with new scenarios during IRT training.

For those trained in the code, TMR nearly overcame nightmares, lowered weekly averages from 3 to 0.2, and encouraged happier dreams. I had nightmares once a week.

The combination of TMR and IRT was also more persistent after 3 months, with the group having an average of only about 0.2 to 0.3 nightmares per week, while the IRT-only group jumped to 1.5.

Larger studies are needed to test the generalizability of this treatment combination. All young adult minorities were covered. The study did not compare IRT and TMR to no treatment, but previous studies have already shown how effective IRT is, the researcher wrote.

Even if the TMR-IRT combo proves to be powerful in future studies, it still has a way to go before it becomes widely available. No tool has yet been able to distinguish between sleep stages as accurately as it does.

Even with these caveats, Poe says the results are promising. She suggests that future studies could test whether the TMR-IRT combination can help patients with: post-traumatic stress disorderor PTSD where nightmares reignite the traumatic event (SN 9/12/14).

That’s what Schwartz wants to try. “I don’t know if it will be successful in these particular patients,” she says. “But if so, this would be a really important addition to the PTSD treatments we have.”




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