When will Covid blues become clinical depression? – Irish Times
The World Health Organization (WHO) noted that this year, in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic alone, anxiety and depression increased by 25% worldwide. And researchers continue to find more evidence that the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on our mental health. Later reported symptoms of major depressive disorder. The risk of developing these symptoms and other mental health disorders remains elevated up to one year after recovery.
It’s no surprise that the pandemic has had such an impact. Dr. Ziyad Al-Ali, a clinical epidemiologist at the University of Washington in St. Louis, said, “This is an earthquake event. Health concerns, grief over the loss of loved ones, social isolation, disruption of daily life are , especially in the early days of the pandemic, was a recipe for suffering. People seem to be far more vulnerable to a range of mental health issues. “Some people have depression, others have stroke, anxiety, memory problems, and sensory disturbances.”
Why do some people become depressed after being infected with the novel coronavirus?
Scientists are learning exactly how the coronavirus changes the brain, but research is beginning to highlight several possible explanations. It has been shown that the immune system goes into overdrive when a person is sick. They can cause inflammation throughout the body and even in the brain. There is also some evidence that the endothelial cells that line the brain can be destroyed, allowing toxic substances to inadvertently pass through and affect mental function. , can go awry in some patients, attacking neurons and damaging synapses, Al-Aly said.
Covid-19 may even undermine the diversity of bacteria and microbes in your gut. may be the root of some neuropsychiatric problems.
Who is most at risk?
One of the biggest risk factors for developing depression after Covid-19 or after a major illness is being diagnosed with a mental health disorder before becoming ill. People who were symptomatic and had to be hospitalized during their illness are also more likely to become depressed, says Megan Horsey, a rehabilitation psychologist who works with ICU patients at Johns Hopkins Hospital. .
WHO estimates that young people are at greater risk of suicide and self-harm after Covid. Women are more likely than men to report mental health effects after illness. Also, people with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma, cancer, and heart disease are more likely to develop symptoms of mental illness after COVID-19.
Additionally, people who experience severe sleep disturbances, social isolation, or other drastic changes in behavior, such as the amount of alcohol they consume or the types of prescription drugs they take, face depression after the physical symptoms of Covid-19. More likely to disappear. “We know that having additional stressors on your plate can predict depressive symptoms later on,” Hosey said. suggests that you may be susceptible to developing Covid.
When will Covid blues turn into clinical depression?
It’s normal to feel tired and have headaches while battling a viral infection and being in the middle of things. rice field. “We never diagnose clinical depression during the acute phase of Covid infection.”
However, if you feel tired and overwhelmed for 2 to 6 weeks after being infected with COVID-19, and it interferes with your daily life and negatively affects your relationships with others, it is a sign of depression. Hosey said it could be.
Some people with depression experience persistent sadness, tears, irritability, changes in appetite and weight, difficulty thinking and concentrating, and feelings of great guilt, worthlessness, and hopelessness. People with the disease often think about death and may have suicidal thoughts, Hosey said.
What can be done to treat post-Covid depression?
If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be experiencing symptoms of depression after being infected with COVID-19, it is important to consult a medical or mental health professional. does not need to see a psychiatrist to be evaluated for depression,” Dr. Al-Aly said. People can also ask for help by sharing what they’re going through with their doctors, he said. please.”
Depression isn’t usually something you can shake off on your own, says Hosey. You may be tempted to use online resources, self-diagnostic screening tools, or order supplements that promise to calm Covid-related inflammation or restore gut health. is unreliable and unsupported by evidence.
We recommend that you keep track of your diet, sleep, and drug and alcohol use. For example, consuming more nutritious foods and setting up good sleep routines can have a small positive impact on mental health. It has been suggested that it may help heal. However, if behavioral changes are unsuccessful, a professional can recommend treatment or medication, if necessary. – This article was originally new york times
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