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A 48,000-year-old zombie virus as potentially harmful as Covid-19

A 48,000-year-old zombie virus as potentially harmful as Covid-19


French scientists have warned of the start of another outbreak after resurrecting a 48,500-year-old zombie virus buried under a frozen lake in Russia.

However, the report was published in the New York Post citing a viral report that has not yet been peer-reviewed. The new research was directed by Jean-Marie Aranpic, a microbiologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research.

What is a zombie virus?

The virus emerged as permafrost thawed as global temperatures rose.

The new strain was one of 13 viruses outlined in the study, each with its own genome, Science Alert reported.

oldest dub Pandoravirus Yedma After mythological characters Pandorais 48,500 years old, the record age at which frozen viruses return to a state where they can infect other organisms.

This broke the previous record held by a 30,000-year-old virus discovered in Siberia by the same team in 2013.

The Pandora virus was discovered at the bottom of a lake in Yuquechiaras, Yakutia, Russia. Other viruses have been found everywhere from the fur of mammoths to the intestines of Siberian wolves.

What causes it?

According to the study, a quarter of the northern hemisphere is covered in permafrost called permafrost.

A warming climate will irreversibly thaw permafrost, releasing frozen organic matter for up to a million years, most of which breaks down into carbon dioxide and methane, further increasing the greenhouse effect.

Part of this organism is also composed of revived cellular microorganisms (prokaryotes, unicellular eukaryotes) and viruses that have been dormant since prehistoric times.

Are viruses potentially harmful?

After studying live cultures, scientists have discovered that all ‘zombie viruses’ can be infected, thus posing a ‘health hazard’.

They believe pandemics like Covid-19 will become more common in the future as permafrost melts and releases long-dormant viruses like microbial Captain America, according to the New York Post. increase.

“It is therefore justified to contemplate the risk that ancient viral particles remain infectious and return to circulation by thawing ancient permafrost,” they wrote.

Unfortunately, it’s a vicious cycle in which the organic matter released by melting ice breaks down into carbon dioxide and methane, further increasing the greenhouse effect and accelerating the melting.

But scientists believe that recent virus discoveries are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more viruses lurking underneath that require further research and investigation.




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