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8 excuses not to donate blood

8 excuses not to donate blood


i am taking dosage.

i just got over influenza.

I chronic health conditions.

These are three common reasons people say they can’t donate blood. The good news is that these (and other common excuses) don’t necessarily mean you can’t donate blood. MD Anderson blood bank.

To get some insight into these and five other excuses that might be holding you back, we spoke with four blood donors. Fernando Martinez, MDpathologist MD Anderson and transfusion specialist.

Excuse 1: I’m on drugs.

fact: Some drugs may refuse blood or platelet donations, but the list of restricted drug classes is very short and updated frequently.

For example, before taking a common blood thinner, you had to wait 30 days before donating blood. Now you can donate whole blood at any time – even while taking the drug.

“Don’t assume that anything you drink isn’t allowed,” Martinez says. “You may be surprised at the number of acceptable medications.”

To see if any of your medications are on the restricted list, MD Anderson Blood Bank at 713-792-7777.

Excuse #2: I have a chronic illness.

fact: You are can Donate blood if you have any of the following chronic health conditions: Diabetes Or high blood pressure.

In fact, if you’ve ever donated blood or platelets in any way, you can still do so. cancer.if you are cancer free for at least two years, your processand did not have leukemia, lymphomaor other types of blood disorders, MD Anderson Blood banks are happy to accept your donation.

“I thought the days of donating were over,” he recalls. Cliff Carsonwho have been diagnosed with skin cancer in 2018. eligibility criteria has changed. I have been donating blood for over 40 years and am excited to continue doing so. ”

Call 713-792-7777 to see if you are eligible to have your previous deferment removed.

Excuse number three: I was sick.

fact: have the flu, COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) You can still donate blood these days. Flu, colds, and COVID-19 are all respiratory means they are spreading Inhaling virus particles that someone has vomited, coughed, or sneezednot a blood transfusion.

“Donating blood doesn’t make you sick,” Martinez says. “So if you’re fine and healthy now and he’s been symptom-free for at least a week, I’d love to see you.”

If you’re worried about catching the virus yourself while donating, don’t worry. MD Anderson Blood banks continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Excuse 4: I don’t have time

fact: Donating blood doesn’t take long. You can also donate blood during your lunch break.

“I usually donate when things have calmed down,” she explains. Christine Duranaclinical nurse MD Anderson’s Lymphoma/Myeloma Center“It takes about 30 minutes.”

MD Anderson hosts weekly blood donations in the Houston area, and the Blood Donation Center in Holly Hall is open 7 days a week from 10am to 5pm.

find MD Anderson blood donation near me.

Excuse #5: I am afraid of needles or worried that they will hurt.

fact: Trypanophobia, or extreme fear of needles, is fairly common. No one likes being poked with sharp objects.

But when the wife made both appointments on Dec. 30, 2022, Houston Police Department cop (and Christine’s husband) Vincent Durana wasn’t going to interfere.

“Ever since I was little, I’ve been afraid of needles,” he explains. “So I was worried that donating blood would really hurt.

The secret to Vincent’s success? “I wasn’t watching while they were sticking needles,” he laughs.

Now Vincent is eager to donate blood again. He told her wife that if she was eligible, he would donate with her immediately.

“And wear a blood donor T-shirt with pride,” he adds. “Before I donated, her wife gave me hers. Now I have. I should have done this a long time ago.”

Excuse 6: I’m worried about passing out.

fact: If you’ve ever been mesmerized by the sight of blood, you’re not alone. The rapid drop in blood pressure and heart rate that causes fainting can occur for many reasons, including seeing blood.

“No one is immune,” admits Martinez. “I know several doctors who have passed out at the sight of blood. I did once. I had seen it thousands of times before, both in medical school and in the clinic. It’s very unpredictable.”

To avoid dizziness, Martinez recommends looking away while checking with a finger prick. iron level, or, like Vincent, turn your head while the needle is inserted into your arm. You can also request that the insertion site be covered with gauze so you don’t have to see it.

“If you already know what caused you to faint, be sure to let staff know.”There are simple strategies you can use to reduce your risk of fainting. The trick is to eat a hearty meal before coming to donate blood or platelets.”

Excuse #7: They don’t need my blood type.

fact: MD Anderson blood bank needs every day Blood type of cancer patients.

why? This is because some patients are more restricted than others in terms of what blood types they can receive.

For example, people with Rh-positive blood (A+, B+, AB+, and O+) can safely receive their type of Rh-positive or Rh-negative blood. However, a person who does not have the same receptors (A-, B-, AB-, and O-) in her blood can only receive blood from other her Rh-negative donors of that type.

A person with AB+ blood type can receive any of the eight known blood types (A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-), hence the “universal recipe.” ent”.

“And O-blood is considered a ‘universal donor’ because it can be given to anyone,” explains Martinez. “But only about 9% of the world’s population has it. And a person with type O blood can only receive blood from other her Rh-negative donors of that type.” will create a very high demand for O-donors.”

Excuse #8: Others are donating so I don’t have to.

fact: MD Anderson’s Cancer patients use about 200 units of whole blood and 600 units of platelets every day. that is 800 unit of blood products 1 hospital system. every 24 hours. When you step back and consider these numbers, it’s clear why the need to donate blood is never ending.

“I know I should donate whenever I can,” admits Ross RobinsonI learned that I was O- in high school and donated a double red blood cell MD Anderson for almost 3 years. “Knowing it’s helping cancer patients makes me feel so good.”

Make an appointment to donate blood at MD Anderson blood bank.




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