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Know your cancer symptoms and when to get tested

Know your cancer symptoms and when to get tested



Today is World Cancer Day, and the prospects for winning the battle against this deadly disease are for better or worse.

in the United States, Cancer deaths have decreased by 33% since 1991An estimated 3.8 million lives have been saved, largely due to early detection and treatment advances.Still 10 million people in the world died of cancer in 2020.

What doctors call a worrying trend is the growing number of young people diagnosed with cancer around the world.

Dr. Arif Kamal, Chief Patient Officer of the American Cancer Society, said:

Can mimic cancer symptoms Experts say it can be difficult to distinguish between them because they are of many other diseases. groin, neck, stomach or armpits, and fever and night sweats, According to the National Cancer Institute.

Bladder, bowel, skin and nervous system problems, such as hearing and vision changes, seizures, headaches, unexplained bleeding and bruising, can be signs of cancer, the institute said. , Most cancers do not cause pain at first, so it cannot be relied upon as a sign.

“We tell our patients to see a doctor if their symptoms don’t improve after a few weeks,” Kamal says. “But a diagnosis doesn’t mean you’ll get cancer.”

rather than wait The key to keeping cancer at bay is prevention and screening to detect it. early stage disease. Experts say this is very important. It is on the rise worldwide.

According to one study, an alarming number of new diagnoses are found in people under the age of 50. 2022 review of available studies by scientists at Harvard University.

Cases of breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, gallbladder cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, and thyroid cancer have been reported. Increased in 50s, 40s and even 30s since 1990s.

This is unusual for a disease that usually strikes people over the age of 60, Kamal said. I give myself enough time to

Older cells have experienced wear and tear from environmental toxins over decades and are far from favorable lifestyle choices, making them prime candidates for cancerous mutations.

“We believed it would take time for that to happen, but if someone develops cancer at 35, the question is, ‘What could have happened?

No one knows exactly, but smoking, alcohol consumption, air pollution, obesity, lack of physical activity A diet low in fruits and vegetables is a major risk factor for cancer. According to the World Health Organization.

Add them all up, and you have a potential culprit in the emergence of early cancer, Harvard researchers said.

“Increased consumption of highly processed or westernized foods, along with lifestyle, environmental changes, and other factors may all have contributed to these changes in exposure,” the study said. wrote in their papers. 2022 review.

“For example, you don’t have to eat crispy, charred or processed meat as your main diet for 65 years,” Kamal added. And even at a young age, stomach cancer and colorectal cancer can be seen. ”

So how do you fight back against the Big C? Kamal said.

Many of the most common cancers, such as breast, bowel, stomach, and prostate cancer, are genetically based. That is, if a close relative is diagnosed, they may inherit the predisposition to develop the cancer. that too.

Therefore, it is important to know the medical history of the family. Kamal suggests that young people sit down with their grandparents and other close relatives, ask about illnesses, and write them down.

“The average person doesn’t really know the level of granularity that helps them access risk,” he said.

“When I talk to patients, they say, ‘Oh yeah, Grandma had cancer.’ I have two questions to ask: How old were you when you were diagnosed with cancer? Specifically. What kind of cancer did she have?I need to know if she had cancer in her 30s or 60s,because that determines the level of risk.But often they don’t know. ”

The same applies to types of cancer, Kamal said.

“People often say, ‘Grandma had bone cancer.’ multiple myeloma When osteosarcoma Bone cancer, but both are relatively rare,” he said. “So I don’t think Grandma had bone cancer. She thinks Grandma had another cancer that metastasized to her bones, so she needs to know that.”

Then the doctor needs to find out what happened to that relative. Was the cancer aggressive? What was your response to treatment?

“When I hear my mother and grandmother’s voice, Having been diagnosed with breast cancer at 40 and dying at 41, learning that cancer is highly invasive changed my perception of your risk. We may add additional tests that are not in your age guidelines. ”

cancer screening guidelines based on population level It’s an assessment, not an individual risk, Kamal said. So, for cancer (or other conditions Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, or even migraines) in your family, you are a special case and require individual planning.

“And the entire scientific community is observing juveniles in various cancers and asking themselves: How to give young people this advice? ”

Close-up of a young Caucasian doctor man with a pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness pinned to the flap of his white coat.Shutterstock ID 724387357; Work: CNN Digital

Report: Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer

A positive family history of cancer reduces the risk but does not eliminate it. can reduce your chances of cancer. a healthy plant-based diet, Get a recommended amount of exercise and sleep,limit alcohol consumption and not smoking or e-cigarettesexperts say.

protect yourself from the sun and tanning bed This is also important because harmful UV rays damage DNA in skin cells and is a major risk factor for melanoma. But skin cancer can also occur in areas where the sun doesn’t shine, Kamal said.

“Melanoma is on the rise. out of sunlight Areas like the armpits, pubic area, and between the toes,” he said.

Skin check: Remove all clothing and look carefully all over the skin, including the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, between your toes and your buttocks, and around your genitals.use A, B, C, D, E method Analyze your concerns and consult a specialist If you have any concerns, the American Academy of Dermatology advises.

See also If you have symptoms such as itching or bleeding, consult a dermatologist. Look at the moles that look like “ugly ducklings” and stand out from other spots on the body.

If not vaccinated: Two doses of vaccine protect against cervical and liver cancer and other cancers melanoma, etc. Under development.

Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and sexual fluids and can cause liver cancer and cirrhosis. A series of three shots of him, beginning with birth, US Recommended Childhood Vaccination ScheduleAdults who have not been vaccinated should check with their doctor to see if they are eligible.

of HPV vaccine Protects against several strains of human papillomavirus, the most common sexually transmitted disease, According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

human papillomavirus It can cause not only fatal cervical cancer, but also vaginal, anal and penile cancer. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat, including the tongue and tonsils.

“These HPV-related head and neck cancers are more aggressive than non-HPV-related cancers. Cancer,” said Kamal.

Since the adolescent vaccine was approved in the United States in 2006, 11 to 13, Cervical cancer incidence decreased by 87%Today, vaccines are available up to age 45. said the CDC.

Breast self-examination: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed worldwide. According to WHOfollowed by lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, and stomach cancer.

Men with a family history of breast cancer because both men and women can get breast cancer It is also necessary to pay attention to symptoms. experts say. These include pain, redness or irritation, dimples, thickening or swelling in any part of the breast. said the CDC.

Women should self-examine themselves once a month and see a doctor if they have any warning signs. The American Breast Cancer Society advised. Choose a time when your breasts are softer and less bumpy. This is about 7 hours. 10 days after the onset of menstruation.

Screening and testing: Home tests and vaccinations can save lives, but many cancers can only be detected by laboratory tests, scans, or biopsies. List of recommended examinations by age.

Doing them in a timely manner increases the chances of early detection and treatment, but it’s still everyone’s responsibility to know their risk factors, Kamal said.

“Remember, the guidelines are only for those at average risk,” he said. It’s about really understanding history.”

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