Cranberry juice may be effective in preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in some people, review finds
New research suggests that cranberry juice goes beyond the mythical urinary tract infection (UTI) prevention and actually works for some people.
Key Point:
- A Global Review Investigating the Effectiveness of Cranberry Products for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
- This review found that cranberry products may be effective in preventing urinary tract infections in some people.
- A UTI is a bacterial infection of the bladder, kidneys, or urethra.
A global review by medical scientists from Flinders University in South Australia and Children’s Hospital in Westmead, New South Wales found that cranberry juice or supplements reduced the risk of recurring symptomatic UTIs by a quarter in some women. It has been found that it can be reduced by more than 1, and by more than 1/2 in children. half.
People who are prone to urinary tract infections after medical interventions such as bladder radiotherapy have about a 53% lower risk.
However, this review did not show any benefit for the elderly, pregnant, or those with urinary problems.
A UTI is a bacterial infection of the bladder, kidneys, or urethra that affects 1 in 2 women during their lifetime, and many suffer from multiple infections.
Researchers said review was first Since 2012, it has shown no profit from the product.
An update of the Cochrane review includes 50 recent trials of cranberry products spanning nearly 9,000 participants.
The benefits of cranberry products became apparent when the scope of the review was expanded, said Jonathan Craig, senior author at the Flinders University School of Medicine and Public Health.
“In previous versions of this review, there was insufficient evidence to determine efficacy, and subsequent clinical trials showed mixed results, but in this updated review, a large body of data has been added to this new Shows discovery.
According to researchers, the anecdotal benefits of cranberries date back centuries.
Lead author Gabriel Williams said she wasn’t surprised by the results, and the cranberry legend ran through her own family.
“In 1973, my mother was told to try cranberry juice to prevent severe and frequent urinary tract infections.
“Even though I wiggle in her ear about the evidence, she continues to take it every day … As always, it turns out mom was right.”
Co-author and Flinders University epidemiologist Jacqueline Stevens said UTI prevention is important to avoid the risks associated with untreated infections, including sepsis in extreme cases.
“Most urinary tract infections are treated effectively and fairly quickly with antibiotics. Sometimes a single dose clears up the problem.
“Unfortunately, some people continue to have recurring urinary tract infections.”
Dr Stevens says the review has not looked at the use of cranberries for treating UTIs.
“This is about prevention, not cure. Even if you currently have a urinary tract infection, you should seek medical attention from your healthcare provider,” she said.
Dr Stevens said most of the studies examined in the review compared cranberry products to placebo or no treatment for UTIs.
“They can still develop a UTI, but it will be less than normal if nothing is done,” she said.
She also said she found no difference between the results of studies conducted by juice companies and manufacturers of cranberry products and those conducted by academic institutions and hospitals.
“As researchers doing these reviews, we are always looking at who has a vested interest in the findings,” Dr. Stephens said.
“It is very important to see who is funding these projects and research trials, which are now under increasing scrutiny.”
This review did not find sufficient information to determine whether cranberry products are more or less effective in preventing UTIs compared to antibiotics and probiotics.
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