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5 ways to make milk healthier and tastier for your kids | Health

5 ways to make milk healthier and tastier for your kids | Health


milk It is considered a complete food for children as it contains adequate amounts of calcium, protein, fat, carbohydrates and other essential minerals (all nutrients essential for a child’s overall development) . However, many children do not like the taste of plain milk and find it repugnant. Any food can be made more interesting and tastier to suit children’s taste buds. There are many ways to make this important food appealing to children. (Also read: Is it safe for people with diabetes to drink milk? expert’s answer)

Milk is one of the most popular drinks around the world. It has many health benefits and is highly nutritious.  (free pick)
Milk is one of the most popular drinks around the world. It has many health benefits and is highly nutritious. (free pick)

“Milk is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It has many health benefits and is highly nutritious, rich in protein, calcium, potassium, omega-3 healthy fats and other vitamins and minerals. One of the richest sources of minerals, it is essential for strong teeth and bones because it contains vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining bone health. and aversion to drinking milk, says Dr. Mohd Amir, senior consultant-neonatologist and pediatrician at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Gurgaon.

There are many ways to make milk tastier, more enjoyable and nutritious. Dr. Mohd Amir suggests an easy and fun way to improve the taste and nutritional value of your milk.

1. Milkshakes and smoothies

Fruit smoothies and shakes not only make milk interesting, but also improve its nutritional profile. Commonly used fruits are mango, strawberry, banana, and chickpeas, but virtually any fruit can be blended with milk to create a delicious and healthy combination. Fiber content increases along with minerals and vitamins. Fruit is the most natural way to detox your body and flush out harmful toxins.

2. Dried fruits and nuts

Almonds, raisins, dates, walnuts, pistachios, or cashews are commonly used dried fruits. Candied dried fruits such as raspberries and blueberries can also be added to make the milk taste more pleasing.

3. Turmeric milk

The combination of turmeric and milk is effective against colds and coughs as both are rich in antioxidants. Turmeric milk can be given once every two weeks or whenever your child has cold symptoms. can. It is more suitable for rainy season and winter season than summer. This turmeric milk can be given to infants after one year. Start small and always prepare with organic, pure turmeric powder.

4. Serial mix

Milk can be used as a cooking medium for almost all cereals to make porridge. You can take vitamins.

You can experiment with different combinations depending on your child’s tastes. You can use natural sweeteners like dates and honey, but avoid artificial sugars if possible.

5. Avocado Hash and Honey Milk Mix

Avocados are a rich source of protein, fat, multiple minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. It’s also rich in antioxidants, and when combined with honey, it boosts immunity, relieves constipation, and tastes great.

“Routine use of readily available milk supplement powders on the market should ideally be avoided and put more stress on making homemade foods more nutritious,” concluded Dr. Amir. attached.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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