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Can Human Papillomavirus Cause Prostate Cancer? | Science | Detailed reports on science and technology | DW


Ah Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections can cause malignant tumors in the prostate gland either directly or indirectly, researchers in Australia say.

Professor James Lawson and Dr. Wendy Glen of the University of New South Wales in Australia Prostate cancer After reviewing 26 studies.

Two authors state that high-risk types of HPV (types 16 and 18) were found in all types of prostate tissue (normal or healthy, benign and malignant).

read more: HPV: A simple virus with a big impact

HPV types 16 and 18 are also responsible for most types of cervical cancer. Lawson and Glenn say there is evidence that these high-risk types of HPV are more common in prostate cancer than in healthy or benign tumor tissue.

People receive jabs during HPV vaccination campaign in Australia

Experts recommend HPV vaccination for girls and boys aged 9 to 14

“HPV is just one of many pathogens identified in prostate cancer, but because they are the only infectious agents we can vaccinate, evidence of a possible causal role for HPV in prostate cancer. It is important to evaluate.”

Researcher’s Previous work We also found evidence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in malignant prostate cancer.

They published their latest papers in scientific journals, Infectious agents and cancer..

More research needed

“Since 2005, there are many publications that have shown an association between HPV and prostate cancer formation,” says the professor. Peter Hammer, Director of Urology at the Braunschweig Clinic. “These are all related studies. There is no scientific evidence for links yet.”

More research is needed. Professor Michael muders At the University of Bonn Hospital, he said, significant research, including cell culture and animal studies, has not yet been conducted.

Muders said cell culture experiments could involve the use of genetic engineering to insert high-risk subtypes of oncogenic HPV into non-neoplastic cells, such as subtype 16 or 18. He said. However, they can also include animal studies with such cells.

“It’s a study that confirms the link between HPV and prostate malignancy and leaves no room for doubt,” Muders says.

Infection is easy

HPV is usually associated with cervical cancer in women. However, because HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, young men and boys can also be infected, and then their partners.

Illustration of a potential wart caused by HPV

HPV is highly infectious and can cause genital warts

The virus can even be transmitted via oral sex. If HPV infects the back of the mouth, HPV can also cause tumors there.

read more: HPV vaccination shows a sharp reduction in infectious diseases that cause cancer

HPV is very infectious, but not all virus types are dangerous. So-called low-risk types can cause genital warts. Most often they appear in the anus or genitals—in men, it is mainly the penis. To begin with, it looks like a wart and continues to grow. There are 200 types of papillomavirus.

Be protected

Measures and measures to protect yourself from HPV vary from country to country. But in Germany, Standing committee about vaccination (“STIKO”) has advised vaccinating girls aged 9 to 14 for 10 years with HPV.

“Medically speaking, HPV vaccination of girls and boys is the primary way to prevent cervical cancer,” Muders said. “It can also protect against squamous cell carcinoma of the ENT area.”

Squamous cell carcinoma includes forms of skin cancer.

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People who are infected with HPV often have no visible symptoms. It makes the disease unpredictable. You can get infected without having sex.Smear infection,” or contact with contaminated surfaces. Can occur in the sauna.

Vaccines are effective against the most important forms of the virus. They are HPV 18 and HPV 18. Both types can cause cancer. Studies suggest that the vaccine can provide up to 95% protection against tumors and pretumors.

“Prophylactic vaccination can probably reduce the risk of HPV-induced cancer,” said Hammerer.

The only known side effect of the vaccine is, as with other vaccines, the possibility of swelling and redness at the injection site. But in the opinion of experts, boys and girls should be able to live on it to protect against HPV and the potential for cancer.


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