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Cannabis may increase risk of schizophrenia: study

Cannabis may increase risk of schizophrenia: study


Heavy cannabis use appears to increase the risk of schizophrenia, especially among young men, warns a new epidemiological study from Denmark.

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen examined the medical records of about 7 million people. They found that about 3,000 schizophrenia diagnoses, or about one-third of all diagnoses, could have been prevented if men aged 21 to 30 had not had problem cannabis use. concluded.

The researchers also noted a simultaneous increase in the quality of marijuana available in Denmark and the number of schizophrenia diagnoses between 2006 and 2016.

“The first studies to suggest a link between cannabis use, especially among adolescents, and the onset of psychosis in adulthood were nearly 20 years old, and the data to guide us in that direction are accumulating. “I keep going,” said Dr. Marc-André Roy is a full professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Laval University School of Medicine.

The interactions between genes and environment can be complex, he said. But today, researchers are becoming convinced that excessive cannabis use increases the risk of schizophrenia, rather than people with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia become heavy cannabis users. .

Assuming causality, the researchers wrote, by 2021, 15% of schizophrenia cases in men who did not abuse cannabis and 4% in women could have been prevented.

Among young men, the rate of preventing the development of schizophrenia associated with cannabis abuse could rise to 25% or even 30%, the researchers added.

Men are known to be heavier users of cannabis than women, but that alone probably doesn’t explain the gender gap, Roy said.

“There are many aspects of neurodevelopment that are affected by gender,” he says. “There are some phenomena that are strongly regulated by sex hormones, and that’s something we always think about. But in this study, it goes beyond the fact that boys use more than girls.” With use, cannabis has a greater impact.” Men. ”

For example, we cannot rule out the possibility that female sex hormones protect women from the harmful effects of cannabis. They are less likely than men to experience psychosis, Roy said, and if they do, it usually develops later in life.

Although the Danish researchers still postulate a causal relationship, the results “suggest that men may be more susceptible to the psychotomimetic effects of cannabis on schizophrenia than women of the same age.” I am doing,” he wrote. However, they say more research is needed to better understand the mechanisms responsible for this great vulnerability in young people.

At the population level, problematic cannabis use appears to be a significant modifiable risk factor for schizophrenia, especially in men, the study authors say.

“We know that there appears to be more cases of cannabis-related psychosis in populations where high levels of cannabis are used,” Roy said. “Looking back, it’s starting to hit all the criteria pretty well. It’s starting to get hard to say it’s totally irrelevant.”

The study results were published in a medical journal psychiatry.

The report was first published in French by the Canadian Agency on May 11, 2023.




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