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Breast Cancer Survivors Agree With New Mammography Recommendations

Breast Cancer Survivors Agree With New Mammography Recommendations


RENO, NV, Colorado – Charlo Peterson says he knew what a mammogram was.

But the 47-year-old said she didn’t think the test would benefit her. She was healthy, she was eating right and exercising. However, her lack of insurance influenced her decision.

However, she said she found two lumps by her breastbone and turned to Manmoban for answers.

“They asked me when I wanted to come in,” Peterson says. “And I said I had a little problem. I said I didn’t have insurance. The first thing she said was don’t worry, just get down here.”

Ten days after the mammogram, she received a call at work.

“They said I had tested positive for breast cancer,” Peterson says. “So, I actually said it, but are you kidding?”

In the end, the malignant tumor was found elsewhere on her breast. The news was followed by surgery, chemotherapy and breast reconstruction.

She says she’s lucky she’s still alive. But in the corner of her mind, there is a troubling thought. She should have entered earlier.

“So I think it’s very important for women to live at 40 instead of 47,” she says. “Then you get into the pattern, because at 47 I just went on a whim.”

Her conviction turned out to be more than Charlow’s, and now a group of experts recommends that women start getting mammograms when they turn 40.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has delayed guidelines by 10 years from age 50 to age 40. The group suspects its recommendations will affect another 20 million women. One doctor said he needed education about mammography, his personal risks, and his family history. .

“Know that you may have no symptoms of breast cancer,” says Dr. Bayo Currie Winchell, medical director at St. Mary’s Medical Center. “That’s why it’s important for all women to go to the hospital and get tested. We now know that black women are at higher risk of dying. 40% die from breast cancer, so if you’re a woman of color, you need to be aware that this is also an important factor.”

Curry Winchell, PhD, said raising the mammogram recommendation to 40 would allow some black women to catch breast cancer at its earliest, most curable stage, possibly lowering breast cancer mortality. ing.

The task force says it expects breast cancer mortality among women overall to decline by 20%.

While it’s important for women to start thinking about mammography and its role in breast health, don’t forget monthly self-breast exams as another tool for detecting breast cancer warning signs.




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