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ADF&G Sends Violent Moose to Prowl Terror

ADF&G Sends Violent Moose to Prowl Terror


The Alaska Fish and Game Service has confirmed that the elk killed in Terror last week had rabies. The case is the first recorded case of rabies in a moose in the state.
Last Friday, several Terror residents spotted a cow moose lurking around the village and behaving strangely. The animal was staggering, drooling profusely, and charging violently at people.
Dr. Kimberly Beckmen, ADF&G wildlife veterinarian, advised Nome officials to go to the teller and kill the elk because of the animal’s aggressive behavior and symptoms consistent with rabies. Tissue samples were sent to the Alaska Institute for Virology. Rabies virus in the brain was confirmed on Monday.
“This is the first documented case of rabies in an Alaskan moose, and it is likely that this moose was infected with the rabies virus by being bitten by a rabid fox,” said Sarah, a Nome-based ADF&G regional biologist. Mr Jermaine said. “While rabies is not commonly found in moose, we are currently experiencing high levels of rabies activity in the Norton Bay region, and we know that rabies can affect any mammal. is not unexpected.”
Germaine said people should report strangely behaving animals to the ADF&G as soon as possible so that the ADF&G can respond in a timely manner. Abnormal behavior may include excessive salivation, aggression, and a weak or unsteady appearance.
Germaine emphasized that animals such as foxes that were shot because they were thought to be sick should not be left abroad and should be turned over to the ADF&G as their carcasses could pose a risk of rabies transmission. . Other foxes found dead should be reported to the agency as well.
In the case of Teller’s elk, Germaine said ADF&G coordinated with the city of Teller to use a chartered helicopter from Bering Airlines to dump the elk carcasses into a local landfill and incinerate them. She said burning the carcasses destroyed the rabies virus and prevented transmission.
The region has already gone on a rabies alert this year. ADF&G and Norton Sound Health Corporation collect foxes for rabies testing. In late April, ADF&G reported that nearly a quarter of the 61 foxes deployed to Nome and surrounding areas tested positive for rabies, with cases rising. In January, a ferocious fox attacked children outside Nome Elementary School.
The cause of the severe rabies outbreak in the region is unknown, but experts speculate that the 2021-2022 lemming outbreak may have enabled the fox boom cycle. .
The elk incident leads to further investigations.
“This is the first time rabies has been diagnosed in an Alaskan elk, but there have been previous rabies outbreaks in South Dakota, Minnesota and Russia,” Beckman said. “Although rabies is rarely diagnosed in moose, very few moose are routinely tested. Screening for rabies along with disease, parasite transfer, virulence) from this incident, if possible, from wild mammals killed or euthanized in areas where environmentally transmitted fox rabies occurs. All available brain samples will be tested for rabies.”

Rabies is almost always fatal without proper medical care. Dog bites represent the most frequent risk of exposure to rabies for humans. The best ways to prevent rabies are to vaccinate your pet against rabies, keep your dog on a leash, do not allow your dog to roam unsupervised, and do not leave litter or dog food unattended to attract foxes. And so on. Additionally, dogs should not be allowed to scavenge carcasses of wild animals because of the risk of exposure to rabies.
Germaine said rabies infection is symptomatic, so normally behaving elk and other large mammals are likely not infected. And there is little risk of moose spreading rabies to humans. According to Germaine, elk cannot spread rabies to people or pets unless the person or pet bites them or cuts themselves with a knife used to cut off the head or spine of an infected animal. No.
To report sightings of strange or dead animals, please contact the ADF&G Regional Office in Nome at 907-443-2271.
The agency also encourages people to send pictures of injured wild animals and descriptions of their behavior to wildlife health veterinarians. [email protected].
The NSHC advises that if you are bitten or scratched by an animal, wash the wound with soap and water and contact your local clinic immediately for instructions. You can contact NSHC’s Department of Environmental Health at 907-434-1659 or 907-434-0543 and NSHC’s provider phone line at 907-443-6411 or 844-586-8773.
The Alaska Institute for Virology is also conducting rapid tests. For more information, contact the Alaska Epidemiology Section: 907-269-8000.




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