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Daily multivitamin intake may improve memory in older adults

Daily multivitamin intake may improve memory in older adults


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  • A large clinical trial found that taking a daily multivitamin slightly improved memory over three years in older adults.
  • The greatest increase was seen in those with underlying cardiovascular disease.
  • Additional research is needed to involve more diverse participants and to pinpoint which nutrients may play a role in memory protection.

Memory and thinking skills tend to decline with age. Certain lifestyle factors, such as healthy eating, physical activity, and social interaction, may help protect cognitive health as we age. Some research suggests that taking multivitamins and other nutritional supplements may help protect thinking and memory. However, few large-scale studies have directly investigated how dietary supplements affect cognitive health in older adults. Clinical trials to date have shown mixed results.

A research team at Columbia University led by Dr. Adam M. Brickman set out to test this idea. More than 3,500 volunteers aged 60 and older participated in their study. Most were white (94%) and more than half had a college degree (56%). Participants were randomly assigned to receive either a multivitamin or a placebo tablet daily. Neither they nor the researchers knew what kind of pills were administered.

Once the study began, participants were given a series of web-based online tests to assess their cognitive abilities. After that, the test he repeated every year for three years. Result is, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition May 24, 2023.

At the end of year 1, those taking daily multivitamins scored significantly higher on the immediate recall test compared to the placebo group. The test required him to look at a series of 20 words for 3 seconds, one at a time. Shortly after, people were asked to type as many words as they could remember.

In the multivitamin group, scores improved from an average of approximately 7.1 recalled words to 7.8 words after one year. For comparison, the placebo group changed the score from approximately 7.2 words to approximately 7.6 words. Improvements in scores in the multivitamin group continued through years 2 and 3 of the study, but did not increase significantly over scores in the placebo group. Other types of cognitive tests showed no significant differences between groups.

Notably, participants with a history of cardiovascular disease had lower immediate recall scores at study entry compared with participants without such a history. However, after one year of taking multivitamins, scores in people with cardiovascular disease improved significantly and were comparable to those without cardiovascular disease.

These results further refine the following findings. Related NIH-supported research Published last year. That study of more than 2,200 people aged 65 and older found that taking a daily multivitamin improved a wide range of measures of cognitive function. Similarly, improvements were more pronounced in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease.

“There is evidence that multivitamins may compensate for low micronutrient levels in people with cardiovascular disease, but it is not well understood at this time why the effect is stronger in this group,” says Brick. Mann explains.

“Cognitive aging is the number one health concern for older adults, and this study suggests that there may be simple and inexpensive ways for older adults to slow memory decline.” he added.

Further research is needed to study more diverse populations and pinpoint which nutrients may play a role in memory protection.

— By Vicky Conti

Funding: NIH’s National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Eye Institute (NEI), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Mars Edge, a division of Mars Inc. Nathaniel Wharton Foundation.




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