Ovarian cysts and cancer: is there a link?
Benign or noncancerous ovarian cysts are common in women of childbearing age. And most premenopausal women who have such symptoms at any given time probably don’t realize it.
but what that is Ovarian cyst? how are they treated? And do they increase your growth potential? ovarian cancer?
I went to the gynecological oncology department Dr. Travis Simsfor the answer.
What is an ovarian cyst and how many types are there?
Simple ovarian cysts, also called functional cysts, are fluid-filled sacs that develop on or within the ovary as a normal part of the menstrual cycle. They appear and disappear based on hormonal fluctuations.
There are several different types such as:
- follicular: So named because it is located inside the follicle where the egg develops.
- corpus luteum: The name also derives from its location within a temporary structure that develops within an empty follicle after a mature egg has been released.
- “chocolate”: It is so called based on its appearance because it is filled with black matter such as blood. These include hemorrhagic cysts and sometimes ovarian endometriomas.
Simple ovarian cysts appear hollow, regardless of their name or location. scanultrasound shows clean borders and black interiors.
Do ovarian cysts have symptoms?
Most women with simple ovarian cysts feel nothing because the ovarian cyst is not very large and doesn’t affect their surroundings.
However, if an ovarian cyst becomes very large, it can press on other organs and structures in the pelvis, so even a simple ovarian cyst can be painful and cause other problems, such as constipation.
Large, heavy cysts can also cause ovarian torsion. An ovarian torsion is when the ovary or fallopian tube twists, cutting off the blood supply.
How are ovarian cysts usually diagnosed?
Most simple ovarian cysts are discovered incidentally after undergoing an abdominal scan for reasons such as appendicitis.
Can an ovarian cyst become cancer?
Simple ovarian cysts are not cancerous. However, ovarian masses that appear more complex on imaging scans fall into a separate category.
For example, ovarian lumps with nodules or septa (small membranes that divide the inside) may not be benign cysts, so they will be examined further. You may order a tumor marker test. CA-125For example, a CT scan may be obtained to look for ascites, fluid pockets in the abdomen, etc. to determine if the mass is suspected of ovarian cancer.
How are ovarian cysts treated?
Simple ovarian cysts are usually left untreated unless they cause pain or other symptoms. If the cyst becomes very large or very uncomfortable, your gynecologist may suggest surgically removing the cyst. However, most will disappear on their own.
If they are complicated and there are no cancer concerns, we usually don’t treat them here. MD AndersonHowever, they may do so if they are large and the patient has a complicated surgical history.
Are certain people more prone to ovarian cysts?
Simple ovarian cysts are very common in premenopausal women of all ages, but rare in postmenopausal women.
Ovarian cyst development is associated with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, finding a cyst in a 70-year-old is very rare.
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal imbalance that can cause many small cysts in the ovaries as well as other symptoms such as acne, obesity, excessive hair growth, irregular menstruation and infertility. there is. It differs from a simple ovarian cyst.
Does having an ovarian cyst make me more likely to develop ovarian cancer?
No, there are no data to support an association between simple ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is rare. Only about 20,000 will be diagnosed I go with it every year.
Ovarian cysts, on the other hand, are very common. And most ovarian cysts come and go. However, if you start experiencing symptoms, see your doctor.
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