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Government Losing Support for Covid-19: Survey, European News, Top Stories


PARIS (AFP)-Government is rapidly losing support for responding to coronavirus outbreaks from citizens who widely believe that death and infection figures are higher than statistics show. Six-country survey released on Saturday (July 25).

Support for the U.S. Federal Government, the country with the highest number of reported cases of infection and death, fell 4 points from mid-June, with 44% of respondents complaining, according to a report from the Kekst CNC Communications Consulting Group. I will. ..

In the UK, just over one-third of respondents approved government action, a drop of 3 points in a month, based on a five-day poll in mid-July.

It also includes France, Sweden, Japan and Germany.

“In most countries this month, support for governments has declined,” the report said.

The notable exception is France, where approvals rose 6% and complaints were 41%.

France, the seventh-highest Covid-19 toll in the world, has been forced to escape the blockade, but the recent increase in infections has led the government to order masks in all enclosed public spaces. I urge you to

The country’s approval ratings have fallen from a plus 7 percent to neutral zero in Sweden, which took a controversial soft approach to lockdown and suffered more than its neighbors, the study said.

Those who participated in the survey-1,000 per voted country-generally believed that the coronavirus was more widespread and deadly than official numbers indicated.

“People have significantly overestimated the prevalence and mortality of the disease, despite the relatively low incidence of pandemics in most countries (except the United States) compared to the early stages,” says Kekst CNC. Told.

In Sweden and the United Kingdom, the public believed that coronavirus killed 6-7% of people, which is about 100 times the reported rate.

In the United States, respondents estimated that about one-tenth of the population died of the virus, more than 200 times the actual casualties. Germans, on the other hand, thought that number was 300 times more than what was reported.

Such a view would “affect consumer behavior and widespread attitudes. Business leaders and governments are aware of this as they resume their economies and transition to coexist with coronaviruses in the medium and long term.” Will need to be done.”

Polls have also revealed that the fear of the second wave is rising and that more and more people believe the impact will last for more than a year.

“People are being resigned to live with Coronavirus for the foreseeable future, hoping to pave the way for leaders and businesses,” the report said.

Moreover, even if the economy deteriorates, it is becoming more likely to prioritize limiting the spread of the virus.

“In the United States, 54% want the government to prioritize limiting the spread of the virus over protecting the economy,” he said.

Polls have found that wearing masks is generally popular, but in Sweden only about 15% of people cover their faces.

Even in the United States, where wearing a mask has become a politically polarized issue, 63% of the respondents said they supported it.

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