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Does Magnesium Help Sleep? Medical Professionals Involved

Does Magnesium Help Sleep? Medical Professionals Involved


Pour the pink powdered magnesium into the cup by hand.
This is the latest sleep boom. But magnesium may not be the answer to insomnia, say experts at Northeastern University.Photo by Alyssa Stone/Northeastern University

This is the latest entry in the self-care, sleep aid craze. Take over your TikTok feed Inject mocktail depicting. New York Times attention.

But is magnesium really the answer to insomnia? Experts at Northeastern University say it's not conclusive, but it depends.

“While it's very popular and often in the news, it's unlikely to cause any harm, but it's just as likely to benefit sleep,” said Dr. says one Carla Bouwmeester. at Northeastern University. “Many research studies and clinical studies have shown very mixed results on how effective magnesium is for sleep.”

Meanwhile, Kathleen McKenzie, a senior lecturer in behavioral science at Northeastern University who focuses on sleep and adolescent development, says magnesium can: Approximately half of Americans have mineral deficiencies. In fact, Mackenzie says she takes magnesium to prevent leg cramps so severe that she wakes up in the middle of the night.

Having said that…

“Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of drugs or supplements as a long-term plan,” McKenzie says. “I think drugs and supplements can help people get on the right track in the short term. But the more important issue is the lifestyle and lifestyle factors that are contributing to sleep disorders and insomnia issues. I think it’s about changing behavior.”

Magnesium is an essential mineral used in more than 300 cellular processes, but Bouwmeester says magnesium is best known for its use in bone metabolism, or bone building and repair. In fact, most of the body's magnesium is stored in bones, which act as a reserve to keep magnesium levels in the bloodstream at low levels, Bouwmeester explains.

people who affect health

But magnesium has been embraced by popular health influencers on TikTok, and the Sleepy Girl mocktail, which mixes a spoonful of magnesium with a fizzy drink and tryptophan-rich tart cherry juice, is now a bedtime staple across the country. It has become part of the habit.

In many ways, it makes sense.

Dr. Bouwmeester points out that magnesium affects the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, including melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate circadian rhythms and sleep.

“Magnesium is related to melatonin in that it increases melatonin levels,” Bouwmeester says. “So this may be one way that magnesium may help with sleep.”

But Bouwmeester cautions: “We don't know exactly how that will work.”

“It may also have some effect on other neurotransmitters and chemicals in the brain that cause further sedation,” continues Bouwmeester. “But again, this isn't a direct effect; it's kind of a cascading effect.”

And, well, there are a lot of them.

potential benefits

Most studies showing the potential benefits of magnesium for sleep and insomnia were in older adults and had small sample sizes.

“Small sample sizes increase the likelihood of confounding factors and other events,” Bouwmeester says.

Dr. Bouwmeester says it's important to remember that much of the research on magnesium involves moderate to high doses of the mineral, usually given in multiple doses over a long period of time. . Magnesium has side effects that can be quite problematic if: Trying to fall asleep—diarrhea.

“Magnesium isn't like, 'Oh, I'm having a hard time sleeping tonight, I'm going to take magnesium and I'll be able to sleep,'” Bouwmeester says. “That's not going to work.”

And considering that there are many different types, Magnesium supplements available They also vary in their ability to be effectively absorbed by the body, so your dose may be very different from the doses that have been found to be effective in some studies.

sleepy girl mocktail

Here is an introduction to “Sleepy Girl Mocktail”.

Interestingly, it may be effective…but probably not for the reasons you're thinking.

Both Bouwmeester and McKenzie emphasized the importance of good sleep hygiene, especially routine.

“Good sleep hygiene means sticking to a bedtime routine, or bedtime,” McKenzie says. “My number one recommendation for any health problem anyone may have is to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.”

And when you're trying to fall asleep, one of the things this routine should do is help you relax, whether you drink a magnesium mocktail or not.

“If you have a routine that feels relaxing and good for your health, it may be helpful,” Bouwmeester says.

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