Is obesity hereditary?Here's what you need to know
- Parents' weight status in midlife can influence their children's weight at the same age.
- If your parents were obese at the same age, you are six times more likely to live with obesity into middle age.
- Genes play a role, but other factors also come into play, such as your family's dietary and physical activity habits, as well as racism and discrimination.
A new study suggests that the risk of living with obesity in midlife is influenced by whether parents were obese at the same age.
In a multigenerational study conducted in Norway, researchers found that if your parents were obese in midlife, you were six times more likely to live with obesity in midlife.
If only one parent is obese in midlife, the risk of obesity is more than three times higher.
“Previous research has shown a strong association between parent and child obesity status, but we investigated whether this intergenerational transmission of obesity persists past adolescence and into adulthood. There are very few studies,” the study authors said. Marie MikkelsenDepartment of Community Medicine, Norwegian Arctic University, Tromsø, Norway. release.
“We were interested in how parents' BMI was related to their children's BMI when children lived away from home for long periods of time as adults,” she said.
The study will be presented at the European Obesity Congress in Venice, Austria, in May. This study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, so the results should be viewed with caution.
The researchers used data from. Tromsø researcha population-based health survey conducted since 1974.
They looked at data from 2,068 parent-child trios. Participants in the Tromsø study were middle-aged (40 to 59 years) and were parents in 1994-1995 and children in 2015-2016.
By analyzing height and weight data, researchers found strong associations between parents' BMI and obesity status in midlife and their children's BMI and obesity status at the same age. .
If parents lived with obesity in midlife, their children were six times more likely to become obese at the same age.
The risk was also greater if only one parent lived with obesity in midlife. If only the mother was obese, the risk of a child living obese at the same age increased 3.44 times. If only the father is obese, her odds are 3.74 times greater.
All of these scenarios were compared to children whose parents were not obese or overweight in middle age.
The researchers controlled for the child's gender, parent and child age, education level, and physical activity level in the analysis.
Mikkelsen said their analysis cannot show whether the association between obesity among parents and children in midlife is due to genes or the environment. It is highly likely that they are looking into combinations.”
“Previous research has shown that several factors contribute to shared obesity status in parents and children,” she says. “Genes play an important role in influencing our susceptibility to weight gain and how we respond to obesogenic environments that predispose us to unhealthy eating. .”
Ann obesity environment This is what makes a person prone to gaining weight and difficult to achieve weight loss. This includes buildings, roads, parks, recreational areas, stores, and other businesses within the community. All of these can influence the type of food people eat and how easily they are physically active.
“Some studies…speculate that children tend to develop similarly. diet remedy and exercise habits “Living together under the same roof causes parents to have similar BMIs,” Mikkelsen said.
She also said that because “obesity in childhood, and especially in adolescence, tends to persist into early adulthood, we wondered if obesity persisted into middle age.” .
Other studies have found similar results, showing that children living with obesity
However, one
The complex nature of obesity requires a broad public health approach focused on prevention in children, adolescents, and adults.
“Given the [findings] “This study shows that the focus should be on reducing the likelihood that obese children will become obese as adults,” he said. veronica johnsonan assistant professor of general internal medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a physician at Northwestern Medicine, was not involved in the new study.
“But this does not address the current disparities that Black and Latino children face. [disproportionately] I am affected by this disease,” she said.
In 2020, obesity rates in the United States were 26.2% for Hispanic children, 24.8% for black children, and 16.6% for white children.
Additionally, research shows that racism and discrimination, and the stress they result from, can impact entire communities for generations.
Therefore, “need” [ongoing] We need efforts that not only address the overall obesity epidemic, but also focus on those who need help most,” Johnson said.
Additionally, she recommends parents learn about treatment options available to manage their and their children's weight.
This is especially important given that obesity increases the risk of many other health problems, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.
But despite recent advances, there is still reluctance to use pediatric treatment options such as pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery, she said. Recommendations From the American Academy of Pediatrics.
“In this case, lifestyle interventions are essential to manage weight,” she says. “Parents need to be consulted.” [children] We emphasize healthy nutrition, increased physical activity, and decreased screen time. ”
Norwegian researchers looked at data from 2,068 father-child trios. Analysis of height and weight data found strong associations between parents' BMI and obesity status in midlife, as well as children's BMI and obesity status at the same age.
People whose parents were obese in midlife were six times more likely to live with obesity themselves at the same age. If only one parent was obese in midlife, the risk was more than three times higher.
Many factors contribute to obesity, including genetics, the environment, family dietary and exercise habits, and racism and discrimination. To reduce the influence of parental weight status on adult child weight, these need to be targeted differently.
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