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Scientists race to make best predictions for whooping cough vaccine

Scientists race to make best predictions for whooping cough vaccine


Scientists race to make best predictions for whooping cough vaccine

Graphical abstraction. credit: cell report method (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2024.100731

Scientists love a challenge. Or maybe a friendly match. Now, scientists at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology (LJI) recently announced the results of a competition to test researchers. The competition, part of the Immunology Computational Modeling Network, saw teams of researchers from various institutions present their best predictions for Bordetella pertussis (pertussis) vaccination.

Each team attempted to answer the same set of questions regarding: Reactions of diverse clinical research participants. Which study participants had the highest antibody response to Bordetella pertussis toxin 14 days after vaccination? Which participants had the highest increase in blood monocytes 1 day after vaccination? Is it? And so on.

The research team was given data on study participants' age, gender, and immune status characteristics before vaccination. The team then developed a computational model to predict vaccine response in different patient groups.

“We asked, 'What do you think is the most important factor in determining the outcome of vaccination?'” says LJI professor Dr. Björn Peters, who led the recent study. “The idea was to allow teams to actually put money into it.”

Research is published in diary cell report method.

Multiple computational models have been developed to predict vaccine responses, many of which are based on complex patterns of immune status before and after vaccination. Surprisingly, the best predictor of this race was based on a very simple correlation. The finding was that antibody responses decreased with the chronological age of study participants.

Although this result may seem like a setback, this race highlights the need for further vaccine research. “We know that chronological age is important, but we still see a lot of unexplained variation in vaccination response,” Peters said.

The competition also helps bring together scientists to further advance pertussis vaccine research. In the United States, the Bordetella pertussis vaccine was reformulated in the 1990s to address relatively mild side effects. Research shows that newer (aP vaccine) designs may not be as effective as older (wP vaccine) designs in preventing disease transmission and infection.

“We don't know what's missing in the current vaccines,” Peters said. “That's an open question.”

The prediction contest is , previous participants went back to the data to further refine their predictions. Perhaps this will reveal exactly what causes a higher antibody response, Peters hopes. It could lead to better vaccines for all patient groups.

“We would like to use this “Not only as a way to examine people's ability to predict vaccination outcomes, but also as a way to address important public health questions,” Peters said.

Peters Lab and the CMI-PB team are currently completing their second invitational challenge. They plan to host a public contest for him around August 2024. Researchers can participate below. this link.

Additional authors of the study include Pramod Shinde, Ferran Soldevila, Joaquín Reyna, Minori Aoki, Mikkel Rasmussen, Lisa Willemsen, Mari Kojima, Brendan Ha, Jason A. Greenbaum, and James A. Ober. They include Tong, Hector Guzmán Orozco, Somaye Nili, Shelby Orfield, and Jeremy. P. Gigi, Ricardo da Silva Antunes, Alessandro Sette, Barry Grant, Lars Ron Olsen, Anna Konstrum, Laing Guan, Ferhat Ai, and Steven H. Kleinstein.

For more information:
Pramod Shinde et al, Multi-omics Systems Vaccinology Resource for Developing and Testing Computational Models of Immunity, cell report method (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2024.100731. … 2667-2375(24)00056-0

Quote: Scientists race to make best predictions for pertussis vaccine (March 14, 2024) from 2024 Retrieved March 15,

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