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More young people being diagnosed with cancer | News

More young people being diagnosed with cancer | News


The American Cancer Society reports that although overall cancer mortality rates are decreasing, medical professionals are seeing more young people being diagnosed with cancer.

LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) — The American Cancer Society says that while overall cancer death rates are decreasing, medical experts report that more young people are being diagnosed with cancer.

“Cancer is traditionally diagnosed in people over 65,” said Kirsten Butcher, a physician assistant at Gundersen Health System. “So the older you get, the more you get cancer. But I think the number of younger people, people under 50, who are diagnosed with cancer is increasing.”

The largest increases in colon, rectal, and breast cancer are among health care professionals.

Recently, more and more celebrities are disclosing their cancer diagnosis.

Like Kate, Princess of Wales, who announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer after undergoing abdominal surgery.

Or 43-year-old actress Olivia Munn, who announced in March that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Medical professionals are now using this platform to educate their communities about cancer and prevention measures.

“Preventive screening is our greatest weapon against cancer. The earlier we catch cancer, the more we can contribute to cancer treatment and help people live longer, healthier lives.” Butcher he said. “Therefore, you should carry out preventive tests and see your GP at least once a year.”

Experts say there are symptoms to look out for that could indicate cancer.

This includes bleeding during or between bowel movements, unusual vaginal bleeding, pain that doesn't go away, or unexplained weight loss that gets worse and worse.

“Then you have lumps and lumps, especially breast lumps and lumps that women feel in their armpits,” says Dr. Noel Loconte, associate professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Even men can get breast cancer.”

She said there are lifestyle choices people can make to reduce their overall cancer risk. Know your family medical history, smoking cessation, reducing alcohol consumption, physical activity, and eating a balanced diet.

There are several organizations in Wisconsin that will pay for the cost of testing for several types of cancer or provide financial assistance through local health care facilities.

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