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Alzheimer's Foundation shares tips for keeping your brain healthy

Alzheimer's Foundation shares tips for keeping your brain healthy


May is National Aging Month, and to celebrate and support those aging in our communities, the Alzheimer's Foundation of America shared tips to help your brain age healthily.

Top of the list is eating well, which means consuming more fruits and vegetables while cutting back on red meat, salt, sugar, oily and processed foods.

Keeping your body and brain active is important to staying sharp both physically and mentally, so it was also important for me to be active and learn new things.

Jennifer Reeder, LCSW, director of education and social services at AFA, says it's better to start taking preventive measures early to live longer.

“Providing older adults with information about positive, brain-healthy lifestyle choices will go a long way in helping them remain active members of our society for years to come.” '' Reeder said.

A complete list of tips can be found below.

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America has released the following information:

As part of Aging Month this May, the Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) is introducing 10 Steps to Healthy Aging to help older adults take an active role in their brain health.

“During National Aging Month, we honor and celebrate the vital and vital older adults we have in our communities, while also helping them become proactive about their brain health, as the risk of developing dementia increases with age.” ” said Jennifer Reeder, LCSW, Director of Education and Social Services at AFA. “Providing older adults with information about positive, brain-healthy lifestyle choices they can make will go a long way in helping them remain active members of society for years to come.”

AFA recommends that individuals follow these 10 steps to age healthily.

1. Eat well – Include a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, blueberries, and broccoli. Take vitamins every day. Limit your intake of red meat, fried foods, processed foods, salt, and sugar. In general, foods that are “heart healthy” are also “brain healthy.”

2. Stay active – Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, which can also help improve your mood and overall health. Walking briskly helps your brain health. Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate. Weight training increases strength and flexibility.

3. Learn new things – Learning new things trains and strengthens your brain. When you attend a class, try a new activity, or engage in new cognitive exploration, your brain engages in thinking outside of its normal routine and provides cognitive stimulation. Even something as simple as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand stimulates your brain.

4. Get enough sleep – It's important to get consistent sleep every night. At least 7-9 hours is ideal. It is also important to create a good sleep environment. Try to engage in low-key activity before going to bed to avoid overstimulation. Avoid caffeinated drinks near bedtime. Insomnia can have serious physical effects, negatively impacting your memory and thinking.

5. Be careful with your medications – Medications affect everyone differently, especially as you get older. If you are getting a new medicine or a medicine you haven't taken recently (whether over-the-counter or prescription), talk to your doctor or local pharmacist.

6. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption – Smoking can increase your risk of other serious illnesses, and excessive alcohol can impair your judgment and cause accidents such as falls, broken bones, and car accidents.

7. Stay Connected – Prolonged social isolation and loneliness can have negative health effects and increase the risk of a variety of health conditions, including dementia-related diseases, heart disease, and stroke. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Spending time with loved ones and friends, participating in group activities, or joining your local community group all help you connect with other people, keep your brain active, and become more engaged with the world around you. It helps you feel included.

8. Know your blood pressure – Blood pressure can affect cognitive function. Visit your doctor regularly to have your blood pressure checked and make sure it's within normal limits.

9. See your doctor – Continue your medical check-ups. Health checkups are key to managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, all of which can affect brain health. If you have any health-related concerns or questions, please consult your doctor.

10. Get a memory screening – Memory loss is not a normal part of aging. They can be caused by various conditions. Therefore, early detection of memory disorders is essential. Memory screening is a quick, non-invasive screening that should be part of everyone's health and wellness routine, even if they don't currently have memory problems. AFA offers Free virtual memory screening Visit every weekday – no minimum age or insurance prerequisites Or, for more information about obtaining a free virtual memory screening, call AFA at 866-232-8484.

To learn more about promoting healthy aging and good brain health, contact the Alzheimer's Disease Foundation of America's helpline at 866-232-8484 or visit the AFA website. Our helpline is available 24/7.




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