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Study raises concerns about exposure to flame-retardant chemicals used in some car seats

Study raises concerns about exposure to flame-retardant chemicals used in some car seats


Two years ago, Vina Singla of San Francisco volunteered in a study examining driver exposure to flame retardants used in car seats.

Mr. Singla drives a hybrid car to protect the environment, but he hasn't thought much about the air inside the car. However, according to some people, study A paper published Tuesday in the journal Environment Science & Technology states that “automobiles are likely to be an important source of human exposure to potentially harmful substances.” [flame retardants]. ”

Those most likely to become infected are commuters, full-time vehicle drivers, and children. According to the study, children are at greater risk than adults, even with comparable commute times.

Singla told CBS News that he was “absolutely unaware that there were potentially toxic chemicals” in the car. “That was a big surprise to me.”

In the study, Singla and 100 other car owners had silicone bands installed in their cars for a week to measure chemical levels inside their cars. They also found that concentrations of these chemicals were two to five times higher in summer than in winter.

Lydia Jaar, a co-author of the study and a senior scientist at the Green Science Policy Institute, said: “Higher temperatures make it easier for chemicals to be released from car materials, ultimately leading to higher concentrations.” .

The researchers detected flame retardants in all the cars they tested, especially TCIPP. National Institutes of Health Researchers say toxic gases are released “when heated and decomposed,” but in 99% of the cars tested, the study did not consider specific makes or models. The group representing automakers said vehicles contained “approved flame retardants” to meet government-required flammability standards.

Although researchers cannot say exactly what the health effects of inhaling these flame retardants are, the 2023 U.S. National Toxicology Report lists the most frequently found chemicals as “in rats and mice. “We found evidence of carcinogenic activity.”

The study's researchers are now calling for a reassessment of federal flammability standards, similar to how upholstered furniture standards were revised in 2021 to exclude flame retardants.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which sets these standards, did not respond to CBS News' request for comment.

The International Fire Protection Association, which represents more than 344,000 firefighters and paramedics in the United States and Canada, said most car fires are caused by engine fires or accidents, not from inside the vehicle. But he said the chemicals pose a risk to members.

“When you put flame retardants in there, it starts a fire. That's what we're breathing…the most toxic air you'll find anywhere,” said Pat Morrison of the IAFF.

For now, the study's researchers recommend rolling down your car windows to let the air out when you first get in your car, and washing your hands after getting in your car.




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