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Research: Physical exercise affects all types of tissues in the body and affects men and women differently.

Research: Physical exercise affects all types of tissues in the body and affects men and women differently.


Exercise equipment seen at the MoTrPAC clinical site at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.

MoTrPAC releases 7 publications this month

We all know that exercise is good for us, and the goal of a 10-year, multi-million dollar project is to uncover the why and how physical exercise affects our bodies. National Institutes of Health called Physical Activity Molecular Transducer Consortium(MoTrPAC).

A study published May 1 in the journal Nature presents some of the first findings from MoTrPAC, including data from the MoTrPAC clinical facility at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.


“This is a multi-omics study, looking at transcriptomics, lipidomics, metabolomics and proteomics, followed by bioinformatics to create a comprehensive map of how physical activity affects the human body. “It means that we are trying to approach this,” he said. Dr. Blake RasmussenChair of the Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology and Director of the Center for Metabolic Health at the Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Research, part of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

MoTrPAC was launched in 2016 and currently includes 19 facilities, six of which conduct adult exercise research and one that conducts children's exercise research. Other facilities include preclinical animal research, chemical analysis, a bioinformatics center, and a coordinating center.

Rasmussen said participants in the consortium site are collaborating to collect data and share the results.


He leads the MoTrPAC clinical site at the UT Health Science Center's Barshop Institute. Elena Volpi, MDDirector of the Barshop Institute, he is a co-investigator on the UT Health MoTrPAC site.

The MoTrPAC project had a prolific month of publications, with seven studies presented. Nature, natural metabolism, nature communications, function, Journal of Applied Physiology, cell metabolism and cell genomics.

Although these initial findings from MoTrPAC focus on the effects of physical exercise on male and female rats, Rasmussen said he would like to apply these findings to patient populations.

The researchers performed thousands of analyzes on 19 types of rat tissues and identified changes in genes, proteins, and metabolites.

The study, published May 1 in the journal Nature, is the first in a series of MoTrPAC papers included in the publication, and explores the widespread effects of physical exercise on all types of tissues in the body and It focuses on how it affects male and female rats differently.

Rasmussen said he was aware that exercise had acute and long-term effects on certain body systems, but was surprised that all body systems responded in some way to exercise training. .

Furthermore, the differences in motor responses between male and female rats were larger than expected. For example, the researchers found differences in most tissues sampled, including the brain, adrenal glands, lungs, and adipose tissue. These findings may ultimately impact how exercise interventions are recommended for men and women.

Rasmussen said MoTrPAC's goal is to create a “map” of the motor responses of every system in the human body and make it available online.

These insights could lead to prescribing specific exercise routines for many diseases and health conditions, like a pill.

Rasmussen said the University of San Antonio Health Sciences Center is honored to participate in this historic study.

“The NIH said this is the most complex and complex clinical trial ever funded. The different tissues we are collecting, the different procedures, intervention components, and tests being performed We are thrilled to be part of such a large national consortium that puts us on the map with prestigious institutions from around the country,” said Rasmussen.

MoTrPAC receives funding from:NIH Common FundSupervised in collaboration with.National Institute on Aging,National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseasesand theNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . For a list of current projects, please visit:

For more information on adult and pediatric clinical research, please visit: under NCT03960827 and NCT04151199Or visit Recruitment web pageLearn more about how to get involved.

The data obtained through this research project is It has been publishedAvailable for further analysis and direct download, encouraging more hypotheses from the biomedical community.

Temporal dynamics of multiomic responses to endurance exercise training

MoTrPAC Research Group and Principal Analyst

Publication date: May 1, 2024 Nature,

The University of Texas at San Antonio Health Science Center (UT Health San Antonio) is one of the nation's leading health science universities and is designated as a Hispanic-serving institution by the U.S. Department of Education. With a mission of education, research, patient care, and community engagement, the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Health Professions, Graduate Biomedical Sciences, and Public Health lead change and advance our fields. We have graduated more than 42,200 graduates who are bringing new hope to patients. With their families in South Texas and around the world. Visit to learn more about how we make lives better®.

The Sam and Ann Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging is one of the world's leading research institutes dedicated to the study of age-related diseases. The Barshop Institute is the only aging intensive research institute in the nation with four peer-reviewed designations: two National Institute on Aging (NIA)-funded centers: the Nathan Schock Center and the Claude D. Pepper Center), the NIA's Test Site Intervention Trials Program, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center.

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