Microrobots tested as contaminated water cleaners •
Microrobots are at the forefront of tackling critical environmental issues. micro plastic – Small fragments smaller than 5 millimeters not only pollute oceans and waterways, but also pose a serious threat to wildlife and human health.
In a new study from american chemical societyResearchers have pioneered the use of innovative microrobots designed to tackle and effectively manage microplastic pollution.
“These particles are prevalent in the aquatic environment, pose ecological risks through possible ingestion by marine organisms and subsequent entry into the food chain, and have the potential to impact marine ecosystems and human health. “Yes,” the study authors wrote.
Coexistence of bacteria and microplastics
Microplastics, which come from decomposing consumer products such as old food packaging and children's toys, break down and attract harmful bacteria, including disease-causing pathogens. This complicates the purification process and exacerbates the contamination problem.
“The coexistence of bacteria and microplastics complicates the task of completely removing them and exacerbates their impacts, posing multiple threats to the environment and human well-being,” the researchers wrote.
“Despite the latest advances, the complex challenge of simultaneously addressing the presence of free-swimming bacteria and microplastics remains largely unknown, and ideas to reduce or prevent their interactions remain under discussion. yeah.”
Harnessing the power of microrobots
The creation of these microrobots, under the guidance of Martin Pumela and his team, represents a significant advance in environmental technology. The research team designed the robot by fusing magnetic microparticles with positively charged polymer strands.
These polymers emanating from the surface of the particles allow the robot to effectively attract both microplastics and microbial contaminants. Remarkably, each microrobot is extremely small, measuring just 2.8 micrometers in diameter.
Dynamics and functions of microrobot swarms
The appeal of these microrobots is their ability to swarm. When exposed to a rotating magnetic field, the robots cluster together like a school of fish.
The behavior of the swarm can be manipulated by changing the number of robots, which in turn affects the movement and speed of the swarm. This innovative method was demonstrated in a video by the researchers, highlighting the efficiency of the robot in cleaning water.
Field test and results
The practical application of these microrobots was evaluated in a controlled laboratory environment. The research team introduced fluorescent polystyrene beads and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which causes infections such as pneumonia, into aquariums.
After adding the micro robot, Contaminated water When they activated them with a rotating magnetic field, the results were promising. At a concentration of 7.5 milligrams per milliliter, the robot was able to capture approximately 80% of the bacteria.
Additionally, the amount of microplastics in the water decreased significantly over time as they were attracted to the swarming robots.
Reusability and sustainability
After capturing the microplastics and bacteria, a permanent magnet was used to collect the microrobots.
The robot was then thoroughly disinfected by using ultrasonic waves to remove contaminants and irradiating it with ultraviolet light. Surprisingly, these cleaned microrobots could potentially be reused.
Although the amount recovered during subsequent use is slightly reduced, it can be recycled, underscoring the sustainable potential of this technology.
The future of microrobots in environmental purification
This microrobotic system provides a promising means to reduce the effects of plastic and bacterial pollution in water bodies.
According to the study authors, this technology not only addresses current environmental problems, but also opens new possibilities for future advances. robot Environmental cleaning solutions.
“In summary, this multifaceted experiment demonstrated the ability of a self-propelled rotating microrobot airplane to capture bacterial contaminants and microplastics from water,” the researchers said.
“The integration of qualitative and quantitative evaluations highlights its robust performance and potential as a material for the simultaneous treatment of various environmental pollutants.”
“This approach could stimulate the development of more sophisticated materials, such as hybrid systems that can capture both positively and negatively charged pollutants simultaneously. This is particularly attractive for real-world water purification applications involving
The research will be published in a journal ACS Nano.
Video credit: American Chemical Society
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