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Dermatologist's tips for treating sunburn | Health

Dermatologist's tips for treating sunburn | Health


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Toronto, Ontario (CTV NetworkSummer is not exactly a carefree season for barbecues, lounging by the pool or beach, or going on drives. As more people spend time outdoors enjoying the pleasant weather, exposure to the sun could be “very harmful.”

Dermatologists warn that exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can not only cause sunburn in the short term, but can also lead to skin cancer in the long term.

“Sunburn is not fun. It's very harmful,” says Dr. Harvey Lui, a dermatologist and professor of dermatology and skin sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. CTV NewsLouis likens tanning to being burned in an oven: “It's not pleasant. It actually damages the skin. … Burning your skin is not good. It's traumatic.”

Getting a bad sunburn once is not something to be taken lightly.

“In fact, getting a bad sunburn once in your life, even just once, can double your risk of developing skin cancer, melanoma, in the future,” Louis said.

When the sun's powerful ultraviolet rays reach the skin, they can damage DNA molecules and cause abnormal cells to develop in the skin, which can lead to skin cancer, he explained.

Sunburn, for example, indicates skin damage caused by ultraviolet rays, says Louis.

“Suntanning is your body's response to exposure to UV rays,” he says. “Your body is saying, 'Hey, I don't like that UV light hitting my skin, so I'm going to darken my skin and block some of the UV rays.'”

Doctors warn that sunburn can be caused not only by ultraviolet rays from the sun, but also by artificial light from tanning beds.

Symptoms of sunburn

According to the Mayo Clinic, a sunburn is inflamed, painful skin that often appears within a few hours after being outdoors for an extended period of time.

Symptoms of sunburn include:

It is hard to spot on darker skin, but on fair skin it will appear pink or red. The skin will feel warm. It may be painful, tender, itchy, and swollen. Small blisters may appear. In severe cases, you may have a headache, fever, nausea, and fatigue. Your eyes may feel painful or like they have sand in them. If you have severe symptoms, such as large blisters or an infection, see a doctor.

Treating sunburn

Sunburn can take several days to heal, but there are steps you can take to help your skin heal and reduce discomfort.

If you get a sunburn, Louis recommends using a towel soaked in cold water to cool the skin.

Over-the-counter products like aloe vera and ointments can also help soothe sunburned skin, says Dr. Linda Singh, a dermatologist in Oakville, Ontario, who primarily treats facial skin cancer.

If you still experience discomfort, Lui adds that you can take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen, to reduce inflammation. “If your symptoms are very severe, you may need to seek out a medical professional who can apply or prescribe a topical corticosteroid product to reduce inflammation,” Lui said.

Sunburn can cause damaged skin to flake off as the healing process progresses, so Xing recommends a light moisturizer to hydrate the skin and strengthen the skin barrier.

“You want to avoid really thick layers of Vaseline, heavy layers of skin care products and clothing that traps heat,” she says.

Prevents sunburn

To avoid problems and discomfort caused by sunburn, even on cool, cloudy days, dermatologists recommend the following:

Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Seek shade when you're outdoors. Wear sunglasses, UV-blocking clothing, or clothing that covers more of your skin (even loosely woven clothing allows UV rays to get through, according to the Mayo Clinic). Wear a wide-brimmed hat. Avoid going outside between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is strongest.

“Doing all these things can significantly reduce your risk of skin cancer, premature skin aging, sunburn, pigmentation and sun burns,” Louis said.

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